It took me forever to find the kitchen. This house, rather this mansion, had never ending hallways that consisted of multiple stairs and a couple stair cases to get down to the bottom. As I reached the bottom of the last step I could hear someone in the kitchen. I walked down the hallway, passing a great room and a library before I stumbled upon the kitchen. The gentle boy was standing over the stove but was now joined by two other boys; a blonde one and another brunette. I starred at them as they did to me.

“So you must be Hailey.” The brunette said standing up making me flinch slightly.

“Can see why he picked you.” The blonde one said, making it come to my attention that he was Irish.

“Boy’s.” The one that was there when I woke up said. He looked over at me and frowned slightly before walking over to me.

“You must excuse my brother’s, they are a bit too impulsive.” He said making me nod as I starred over at the blonde who had his eye held on me.

“This is Louis and this is Niall.” He said introducing them.

“And you?” I asked looking over at him.

“Liam.” He said shaking my hand making me nod. He directed me to a seat and I sat down starring down at my hands in my lap.

“So you’re all…” I trailed off making them look at me.

“Vampires?” Louis ended making me nod. He smirked and nodded. He stood up and walked over to the fridge, opening it and pulling out a water bottle full of a red liquid.

“We don’t feed off of humans like the other two do.” He said popping the top off and swishing some back, soon making me realize it was blood.

“Don’t make them sound like monsters.” Niall pleaded making Louis laugh.

“They are monsters Niall, we all are.” He said slamming the water bottle down making me flinch. Niall ignored him and faced me making me slowly look over at him.

“The three of us survive off of animal blood, we never drink human blood. The other two; well they go on sprees sometimes.” He said making me tilt my head.

“Sprees?” I asked.

“Once a month they go and they find someone that they’d like to feed one. Most of the time they kill them; in fact every single time they kill them. Except I guess theres a small chance he has his humanity back.” Liam explained making me tilt my head and raise my eyebrow.

“There is Zayn; he’s really moody and sarcastic and I’m sure you both will get in arguments.” Louis began.

“And then there is me.” A dark voice chimed in, one I knew way to well. I looked up and my eyes were met with piercing green ones that had deceived me the night before.

“Hello Hailey.” He said smirking. I stood up shocked, attempting to hide behind Niall and in a flash Louis and Liam were both between Harry and I.

“Miss me?” He asked winking at me as he headed to the fridge. I watched every single one of his movements as his muscles flexed as he opened the fridge, grabbed a water bottle and closed the fridge. He screwed the cap off and threw it in the sink before chugging the entire water bottle down. His eyes quickly went over a red colour then returned to its regular green as he looked over at me.

“Boys give us a moment alone please.” He ordered. It was like they were all his puppies because slowly yet surely they all got up and started leaving. I grabbed onto Liam’s hand and he looked back at me.

“You’ll be safe.” He mouthed making me nod slowly. He left the room and I starred over at Harry, breathing heavily as he traced his finger along the rim of his waterbottle.

“If I can be brutally honest with you Hailey, you were supposed to die last night.” He said as he walked closer to me making me sink back against the wall.

“Why didn’t I?” I asked making him sigh and run his hands through his hair.

“I’m not too sure. It might have just been in those pretty eye of yours.” He said, in a quick movement standing infront of me as he brushed his thumb over my cheek bone causing my breath to hitch in my throat.

“Are you going to hurt me?” I whispered making him chuckle quietly as he shook his head, starring into my eyes heavily.

“No. You’re going to stay with us for a while.” He said making me furrow my brows.

“What do you mean?” I asked quietly.

“You’re going to call your parents and let them know you’re out of town with your pretty friend Annie, that you’ll be a few weeks or so. Once you are out there they will receive an anonymous that you died in a car crash. You’ll be living with us from now on and don’t even think about running because all five of us are under the same agreement.” He said as I attempted to process this entire thing.

“Why would I stay?” I asked cocking my head.

“You’re going to stay because none of us can trust you with this secret.” He said handing me his phone. I sighed and took it walking around the island. He was facing the window, being and idiot and not paying attention to me. I grabbed the knife of the counter and tried to sneak up behind him. He heard me but as he turned I jammed the knife into his stomach making him curl over causing me to gasp, shocked with myself. I kicked off in a run and threw the phone on the ground, sprinting around the corners and up the steps to the front door. I looked behind me, no one there, I unlocked the door and ran out but was stopped. Harry stood in the door way smirking holding the knife in his hand. He threw it to the ground and growled at me, pushing me back by my shoulders causing me to scream as he pinned me against a wall. He starred at me and his pupils grew, I was unable to look away.

“Call you parents and tell them you’re on vacation. Tell them not to worry and that you’ll be in touch.” He said making me nod slowly. He handed me his phone and I obeyed him, I had no idea why; but I obeyed him.

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