" You know I would do anything to see my girlfriend." Niall said, winking. I was about to screech an ' ehwww,' when Niall's grip on my waist tightened and his head lowered to mine. " You speak too much."

With that I was swept off my feet like always, as his lips smashed against mine. I missed this. I missed us. Our lips moved in sync and my back dug into the marble counter behind me. Both of my hands had made my way behind his neck, one of them running through his hair. One of Niall's hands was at my waist, trying to conquer any possible space between us. The other hand was running up and down my spine, sending shivers and tingles everywhere his fingers touched. Niall nibbled on my bottom lip, trying to deepen the kiss. As much as I wanted this to continue, I was aware of my unappealing appearance.

Pulling away I said, " I've got to take a shower, because I'm all sweaty." And ugly. I added to myself. I have no clue what this guy sees in me, but I'm going to take advantage of it until he comes to his senses. " So, disappear into my room."

" Well, I don't know where your room is, but I do know that I won't mind joining you in this shower." He replied cheekily.

" You pervert!" I shrieked, smacking his chest. Niall laughed lowly as he snuggled his face into the crook of  my neck. This was enough to send my hormones on fire and my heart beating a hundred miles an hour. Man, this boy has really done something to me. I just hope it doesn't stop. After telling him I loved him a couple months back, I knew this was real. I never have to dream of the perfect guy, because he was standing right in front of me. At first, the feeling scared the crap out of me. I knew the effect I had whenever I saw him. I knew that I wanted to spend every living minute with him. I knew when I wasn't with him I was thinking about him, or staring at my phone waiting for him to call. I knew that I love this boy. And that's what scared me the most. I love the boy who kidnapped my stuffed animal to lure me into a date. I love a famous artist, a thing people could only imagine. I love the Niall Horan. I was head over heels for this guy, and he finally knew it.

When it first slipped out, it had been a total accident. I was just accepting the idea of us being an 'item' as Niall put it. We were at his flat eating dinner and having a normal conversation, when it just slipped out of my mouth. I just spat it out. No preparation. No romantic gesture. I spat it out while we were eating dinner. What I said, didn't even register in my mind until I saw Niall's expression and then, it became awkward. I sat there, wide-eyed staring at my plate, knowing the blood pounding in my cheeks weren't helping. Out of nowhere Niall started grinning. He then, got to his feet, picked me up bridal style and told me loved me too and has for a while, just didn't know how to say it. After that, I was experiencing one of the best kisses of my life. Who knew three words had so much effect on a person. Whenever he said I love you, I felt like I was floating on cloud nine. Very cheesy. Very Katy Perry. I know, but that's how I feel.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. " Second door on the left." Niall's confused face told me to elaborate, " That's the way to my room. Now, shoo! Before I get grilled for talking to myself in the washroom. They already think I'm crazy, no need to make me land a spot in a mental hospital too."

 That just made Niall laugh harder. I hissed a 'shut up', as I tried to shove a chuckling Niall out the door.

Quickly, taking shower I wrapped myself in my towel. I mentally cursed for not bringing any clothes in. Sometimes, I'm stupid. Then again, I never knew Niall would emerge out of nowhere. He's my boyfriend, right? I should feel comfortable? Yup, but with clothes. Gathering as much courage my nervous guts would allow, I made my way to my bedroom.

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