18. The Drug Dealers Trap House And Intel

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Reekers house isn't a trap house. It's more of an Trap building. Anything illegal you could think of, went down in this building.

I watched Cole look the building up and down, no expression on his face.

The building was only ten stories high, each apartment having a balcony. The building was made of bricks that were painted a light brown color. The paint was chipping off in some places, revealing the white color underneath.

We entered the building, the familiar smell of marijuana meeting my nose.

"Keep your face like that any longer Jock Boy and it'll stay permanently like that." Thayer grinned over at Cole. I turned to see his face scrunched up over the powerful smell in the lobby.

I laughed. " You'll get use to the smell."

He continued to scrunch up his face as we got to the elevator,relaxing it as the door shut. The elevator made a familiar ding noise, letting us out on the top floor. There was people littered in the both the hallways left and right. Some were high and there was music blaring at the end of the left hallway, indicating one of the parties that were thrown was currently happening.

Jacob banged on the door right across from the elevator, waiting for Reeker to open up. His familiar dreads and gold tooth opened up quickly and ushered us in.

"My people!" He yelled, letting out one of his crazy laughs.

"My nigga!" Thayer bumped shoulders with him.

Reeker greeted the guys like that while he gave Dakota and I a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Word is you got a new recruit. Looks like it's true." His Jamaican accent thick as he eyed Cole.

"Reeker meet Cole. Cole meet Reeker."

The two shook hands, Cole giving him a small smile.

"I gotta say Taze, he doesn't look like a usual recruit." I had to agree. Cole had the good boy vibe to him and he was curious. The rest of us were bad and rowdy.

"That's the point. I don't look like a normal recruit. If I came up to you doing business for a gang leader, you wouldn't believe me. Supposed to be a bit of a surprise." Cole explained. He seemed to be getting smarter.

"This guy seems to be a nicer version of you." Reeker grinned at me.

"Enough chit chat let's get down to business." Theo crossed his arms impatiently.

Reeker led us to his living room, that had a few girls lounging around high or half dressed. He moved the glass table in the middle of the living room and pushed up a carpet, revealing floorboards that I knew were loose. He took out three boards, revealing a black safe. He unlocked it and grabbed two stacks of of money held together by rubber bands.

Jacob let out a whistle. "That's a lot more than we were expecting." He said as Reeker put back his living room.

He tossed one of the stacks to Jacob and one to me. Jacob started to count right away.

" Damn Reeker. Two grand?!?" Jacob eyes were wide.

"No way that's two grand. You suck at counting money." His brother grabbed the money out of his hands and started recounting. They started arguing back in forth in Spanish, making me roll my eyes.

"Two grand in each stack." Reeker spoke proudly, making The Twins stop arguing.

"Damn. I was expecting a few hundred bucks but two grand?" Dakota spoke as she eyed the money. I knew she was thinking about all the stuff she could buy.

"Yes and I'll tell you why. But would you guys like anything to drink before I tell you?" Reeker asked politely. We all asked for different things and one of the girls got up to retrieve them. We made ourselves at home but Cole remained standing. The girl returned with our drinks moments later and Reeker started talking.

"You ended up getting more than I was expecting, we raised the prices. We sold at half of the weed, cocaine and heroin in the building. The rest was given to my dealers around town and we sold out in days." He grinned at us proudly.

"But before I could begin selling.Wiz came knocking down my door." I gritted my teeth. Wiz was one of the top dealers on East Side and The Raiders worked for him.

"He was beyond angry that he got his goods stolen. Tried making deals left right and center to get em back. I told him fair and square. He backed off but some of my dealers told me that he was sending people to them, trying to get his goodies back but nothing worked. Turns out lot of people were waiting for the goods from him and when he didn't get back what he promised he lost some people in high places. He ended up returning people's money, receiving threats so he had no choice. So as punishment to The Raiders, he dropped them." Reeker finished.

" You mean they no longer work for him?" Cole asked.

Reeker nodded his head, letting out a laugh. This was very good news.

"We're going to celebrate this weekend!" Thayer laughed.

"I got more news before, you get excited." Reeker spoke interrupting our barely started celebration.

"If you want to get an advantage on The Raiders, Wiz is looking for a new gang to do his business. If you got to work for Wiz you have something the Raiders need. It's a good advantage."

"What about you?" I asked.

He grinned at me. "I got other people who want to work for me. You guys can still go a rare job for me.

I looked at my crew, seeing that they were agreeing. We now know how to get back at The Raiders.

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