2. Other TroubleMakers

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I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and sent a message to my friends saying I was skipping the rest of the day. Within minutes they all came from different parts of the school.

I saw The Twins, Jacob and Paul coming from the North part of the school. They had their usual hats on, despite the school rule with blue jeans and t shirts. They were laughing and swatting each other as they normally do, bringing a rare smile to my face.Thayer and Theo came out of the gym, sweat still noticeable on their skin. They both had Lakers jerseys on, with shorts. Next came Dakota coming from the East side of school, where she was attending art class. Her makeup was to a perfection and the ends of her short hair were dyed a dark blue. She was wearing a tight skirt, showing off her curves and a tight top to complete the outfit.

" What's up Taze. Get kicked out of Math class again?" Theo smirked, using my nickname.

" Only for the millionth time. " Dakota chided in.

" Not my fault he keeps talking and talking making me want to fall asleep more or jump out the window." I laughed.

" I'm happy because you got me out of art. Mrs Lit was breathing down my neck about assignments I haven't yet handed in" Dakota smiled warm at me. Being around all guys all the time was cool but it was nice to have a girl around. I got tired of the boys talking about working out all the time, girls, who slept with who at the parties on the weekend.

" We should head over see if any of our turfs have been damaged anymore. I'm still angry about what happened two weeks ago." Paul said cracking his knuckles.

We took it seriously when someone trashed our turfs. It felt kind of like a personal action, making me grit my teeth thinking about our other places that have been ruined over the past two months. Someone around town had started trashing our turfs. We only had about four and two have been ruined.

But when it comes to being in a gang, were bound to have enemies. I can think of a few on the top of my head and I would get soon in contact with them.

They all nodded their heads and looked at me to see what our next plan would be.

" All right, let's go".

We walked into the parking lot and parted into two groups. Dakota, The Twins and I to their motorcycles. Theo and Thayer to their blue Lamborghini.

I got on behind Jacob and we were soaring down Cove street,breaking the speed limit and zooming in between cars. Some were honking at us and giving us a few fingers, which Dakota and I returned.

We got to our first spot, our abandoned train warehouse on Industrial side of town. We had done the best we could to clean up the damage but some of it would cost money to fix it up. Some windows were smashed and the big metal doors have a huge metal dent in it as if a car had gone head on with it. We checked them all out and the only other one that was damaged was the empty house on the coast.

When we finished we went to our home.

The bottom half of it is a bar, owned by Thayer's dad. The bar was popular for its bands and it had a Hawaiian theme to it . We held parties sometimes when we could. The top half that is accessible through the back stairs in the kitchen, is where we all stay.

The space is a decent size, most of it is a blank space of concrete where we practice for our street battles. The rest of it is multiple sets of bunk beds and two bathrooms. The ceiling is supported by thick columns of concrete and on the very far back wall was a huge sound set. The speakers went half way to the ceiling and there had to be over a hundred different knobs to change the sound of the music.

" Taze, we got any business to take care of this week?" Dakota asked.

I was about to say no, when one of my cellphones made a noise. I have two. One for my friends and my dad to reach me and one strictly for business.

"Look's like we got a shipment the Reeker wants. They're going to drop off at the normal spot."

"I got it and I'll take Blades with me."

I nodded.They could take care of themselves.

"Paul and I have finished the routine for next week's friendly battle with the Kings and Queens. "Jacob smiled proudly.

" All right lets get practicing!"


Sorry for how long it is. Most of the chapters will be long in this book, besides a few days where I might be suffering from writers block.

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