Chapter 21

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I walk to the bedroom to check on Lavender for the tenth time. She's still asleep. Aaron walks up behind me. "She's fine." He says. "Let her sleep."

"Did you do this with me?" I ask him as we make our way to the kitchen.

"I still do sometimes."

I smile slightly. "I feel helpless."

"I know. Just give her a little space. She needs to sort through everything."

"Yeah..." I sigh and open the fridge and get a drink. I hand one to Aaron. "I need something alcoholic..."

He shakes his head. "I'll run to the store. Give me fifteen minutes and I'll be back. Can you wait until then?"

I nod. "Yeah. I can wait."

"I'll be back."

I watch Aaron leave and drink my soda. If I would've gotten there sooner, nothing would have happened... Why didn't I notice sooner she had been gone a while? I groan and Rose walks up behind me. She touches my back and I turn around. She smiles slightly and holds her arms open. I lean into the short girl and hug her. "Thank you..."

"You're welcome. It's not your fault, you know."

"How did you know I blamed myself?"

"I've known you for ten years. I just do."

I lean up. "Do you remember how we met?"

She laughs. "Yeah. We were both at the park. I was with my family and Toby and his family and you were with your family and biological parents. You were playing alone because Aaron had gone to do something and I went over to you and we kinda just clicked. You've been stuck with me ever since."

I smile. "No kidding. Couldn't get rid of you from day one."

She smiles. "And you never will."

"Good. Cause I like having you around."

"And I like being around."

"Let me see your ring."

She holds her hand out and I look at the blue ring. "I knew you two would eventually end up engaged."

"You did?"

"Yeah. You've been together almost ten years and you're so good together. Congrats Rose."

"Thank you." She pulls me into the living room and makes me sit on the sectional. "Just relax, okay?"

"I can't...I wish there was something I could do..."

"Welcome to how we all felt."

"It's horrible."

"I know. Go to sleep. It'll calm you down a little." I nod and go sit in the recliner and close my eyes then fall asleep not long after.


I look to Toby and see he is getting some soda. "He's really worried about her."

"I know. I would be the same way if it was you."

I nod. "You know, you really need to stop giving him a hard time about what went down."

He sighs. "I know I should and I know I've known him longer, but I'm just protective over Lavender. She's kind of became a sister to me."

"I know babe. But if she can forgive him, you can too."

He nods. "You're right."

"I usually am."

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