Chapter 13

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 I pull up to the airport and get my suitcase out of the back of the car. I go inside and wait on my flight to be called. I am about to have to fly eight hours. This should be fun... My flight number is called and I walk to the gate. I am lead to the first class lounge. An older couple is there also along with a couple of obvious business men and four people that look about my age. I sit down quietly and take out a book. It is Immortal City by Scott Speer. It is a new book that Anna sent with me to read on the flight. I am not sure what it's about. I open the book and start to read. It seems to be about angels that protect people for money. We are told to board the plane. I stand up with my carry-on bag, which consists of the book, my phone (Which has been put on airplane mode), and earbuds. I put my book back in my bag and grab my two-way ticket. I hand the ticket to the woman and walk to the plane then walk to my designated seat. I am sitting by one of the guys that are about my age. We are instructed that we will take off in five minutes and that we need to buckle. I buckle and get ready for us to take off. I take a deep breath as we start to ascend. When the plane has stopped with the rough turbulence, I unbuckle myself and sigh in relief.

"First plane ride?" The boy beside me with a slight Australian accent asks.

I look to him and see he has short black hair.

I nod. "Yeah. You?"

"No. I take a lot of plane rides. My job causes me to."

"What's your job?"

"Youtuber. I don't really see it as a job, though."

"What do you mean?"

He shrugs. "I love it. I love my subscribers. It's fun."

I nod. Eventually the boy falls asleep and I put my earbuds in and listen to music for the rest of the flight.

When the plane lands, I make my way to baggage claim and get my suitcase then go out of the airport and see Maria and Thomas standing and holding a sign that says Lavender Blaine on it. Did she honestly think I wouldn't recognize her? I smile and run up to them. Maria hugs me to her. "Lavender. It's been so long." She says while hugging me. I smile and lean back. I see Thomas, knee down, and pick him up. "Hey little man."

He smiles. "Hi." He says. He throws his arms around my neck and I hold him with one arm and pull my suitcase behind me in the other. I look to Maria and she leads me to a black car where her fiancé is standing. "Hi. You must be Lavender."

I nod. "I am. And you must be Alexander?"

He nods and takes my bag from me and puts them in the back of the car. He takes Thomas from me and puts him into a booster seat. I join Thomas in the backseat and we start to drive to where they live. I lean my head back on the seat and sigh. "What's wrong?" Maria asks.

I shake my head. "It's not important." This was a trip we were supposed to take together and I can't stop thinking about that fact... Why can't I just get over him? I need to not focus on Lyric. I need to focus on the fact that I only have a week here before I leave.

"Are you sure?"

I nod. "I'm sure."

"Where's that boy that you said was supposed to be coming with you?"

Crap. I forgot to tell her. I sigh. "I'll explain later."

She nods as we pull into a small house. We all get out and I grab my bag. Thomas grabs my free hand and leads me to the entrance to the house. I smile down at him as he pulls me along. We walk into the small house. "I'll show you to your room." Maria says. "I'm sure you'll want to get a little sleep."

I nod and follow her to the spare bedroom. She opens the door and I walk in. "Can I show you my room later?" Thomas asks.

I smile and nod. "Of course you can."

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