Chapter 5

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A/N: So guyssss I'm freaking out and am so happy. As of about an hour and fifteen minutes ago gay marriage is legal in EVERY FUCKING STATE!!! You have no idea how freaking happy it makes me :)


We walk into the small phone store. A woman with brown, curly hair walks up. "What can I help you guys with?"

"We need to get her a new phone."

"Okay. Do you have a contract with us?"

I nod. "Yes. I do."


"Lavender Blaine."

"Okay. Let me look you up on our computer. Follow me." We follow her to the counter where a computer is. She types in a few things. "Your update isn't for another nine months, Lavender."

"I know, but my phone got destroyed last night."

"How? I have to put why in the computer or it won't cover your replacement."


"She was attacked last night." Lyric quickly says.

The woman looks shocked. "Oh. Well, I'm sorry for that. Would you like the same model phone and number you had before?"

"Yes please."

She nods. "Okay. Wait here. I'll be right back with your new phone."

I turn and look at Lyric. "Thanks."

He shrugs. "I've been through it. So I know what it's like to try to answer questions you don't know the answer to."

"How did you get through it?"

"I had Aaron and you eventually figure out how to answer those questions." He looks at me and frowns.

"What is it?"

"Come here."

I lean forward and he takes his over shirt off and hands it to me. "Put this on. The bruises on your neck and arms are starting to show. I don't figure you want people starting at those."

I shake my head and slide the shirt on over mine. "Thanks."

He nods. "Plus, we don't want everyone thinking I'm abusing you."

I push him. "Shut up."

He laughs and the woman comes back with a box. "Alright. Here you go. Here's your new phone. Any purchase you made on your account music wise is back on there."

I smile. "Thank you." I take the phone from her and Lyric gets the box.

"You ready to go?" He asks.

I nod. "Yeah. Let's go. Oh, I need to go by the club to get something from Rose."

He nods. "We can do that."

We silently walk to the club. We see there is a short enough line so we wait. Jason and Sam see us and smile. I see Josie standing by Sam. She waves.

"Hey guys!" Jason says. "I thought you two were off."

"We are" Lyric says. "But she has to get something from Rose."

He nods. "Did you get your new phone?" Sam asks looking at me.

"Yeah. It's the same number so you don't have to change anything. Just text me your name so I can put your contacts back in."

Sam nods. "Alright."

"How are you?" Josie asks.

"I'm good." The wind blows and I pull Lyric's shirt closer to me. Sam opens the door. "You two go ahead and go in. We'll see you guys later."

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