Chapter 19

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I wake up to my alarm going off at nine. I try to ignore it. Maybe if I ignore it, it will go away...

"Come on Lav. Wake up." Lyric is gently shaking me.

I open one of my eyes and see him standing in front of me, shirtless with a cup of some kind of hot liquid. "What's that?"

"Energizing tea."

"Give it." I lean up and reach for the tea. He laughs as he hands it to me.

"Drink that then you need to get a shower."

"Are you saying I stink?"

"I'm saying you still smell like post sex seeing as at two this morning we did it again."

I smile as I remember our early morning activities. I drink the tea and sit in bed with the blankets covering me. I look around my new room and notice it is boring. Really boring. "I need to decorate. And unpack."

Lyric sits down beside me and kisses me on the head. "I can work on unpacking some of your stuff while you're gone if you want."

"You don't have to do that."

He shrugs. "I got nothing else to do."

I smile slightly. "Thanks." I down the cup of tea then go get a shower. When I get out, I wrap a towel around me and search through my boxes. What do you wear to go try on dresses? My phone starts ringing. I look at the caller ID and see it's Anna.

"Hey Anna Hope."

"Hey. I'm almost to your new apartment Rose said we are all carpooling. Can you or Lyric let me in?"

"I'll get him to. I'm still kind of naked."

"Okay. Thanks."

"Lyric! Can you let Anna in? She's almost here."

"I'm on it."


I continue to search through my boxes. I groan and sit down. "You're still not dressed?" Anna says when she walks in. "I don't know what to wear."

"Move. I'm on it."

I laugh then get up and sit on the bed. She takes out my short sleeved white hi low shirt with a black floral cross on it and some black pants. She also gets out my ankle high combat boots. She then grabs a couple of bracelets that have crosses and sugar skulls on them and sits them on the bed along with everything else. "Wear this." She says

I get dressed quickly. I start flat ironing my hair and doing my makeup. I apply a light layer of eyeliner and grey eyeshadow. I sit back on the bed when I am done. She leans against me. "Is something wrong Anna?"

"Kind of...I don't know..."

"What is it?"

"There's this guy I like that I see at the events mom goes to all the time."

"Okay? And?"

"I'm not sure he likes me."

"Try talking to him. Bring up conversation. You can usually tell, by body language, whether a guy is into you or not."

She nods. "Okay."

Lyric walks into the room. "Rose and Josie are here."

"Okay. Awesome." I stand up and walk towards the living room. I kiss Lyric before I leave. "I'll see you later."


"I love you."

"I love you too. Have fun."

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