Hesitating, I handed him them and gave the little one my helmet, before pulling out my military helmet and strapping it on.

“Hey Sloane!” Blake said, running over. I hadn't seen him park, but it didn't matter. He was already by my side.


“Liam said that I'm your partner today.” He explained, cracking his knuckles.

I frowned, but gave a small nod. “In that case, go get my Vector and extra mags. I need it.” Blake rolled his eyes, but did as told. Good dog.

Gunner laughed from across the lot and I couldn't help but be curious. He stood beside a fighter jet, shaking hands with someone hidden by the cockpit. With Blake occupied, I took it as a chance and jogged over. “Gunner!” I shouted. He glanced up over the nose of the plane, eyebrows raised. “Where's Liam?”

“He's talking to Nova.” Gunner said, motioning me over. I smiled slightly to myself and walked to him, ducking under the plane.

When I looked up, I spotted a very familiar face, eyes cerulean like the Atlantic, hair as black as night. My mouth fell open in shock. He looked none too surprised, but those blue eyes flickered with amusement, the only emotion he showed. I crossed my arms, hiding a smile of my own.

“Sloane, this is--”

“Fitz.” The man interrupted, holding his hand out to me. I glanced at it for a second, raising my eyes. “What is it, Sloane Hunter? The fact that I am here and well? The fact that you can't, for the life of you, remember my name?”

I rolled my eyes. “I know your name.”

He grinned. “James Fitzergerald at your service.”

“James.” I threw my arms around his neck at the breath of his name. He laughed, patting my back like I was some little child.

Gunner cleared his throat. “Uh...”

I let go fast and glanced at Fitz, or James, or whatever he cared to be called now. “Sorry Gunner.” I smiled at him, trying not to scream in joy.

“Yeah, sorry. Sloane and I go way back to the early days.” He stuck his hand out like a civil person, and I shook it. “She was my best friend, and the elite shooter.”

“Davy taught me.” I proudly explained.

Gunner looked suspicious.

“I'm Gunner's partner. Not today, because I'm part of the Harrier. But next time. Seems I'm part of your group now.” James explained, rubbing his wrists. It was his habit that I had adopted. “And I get to teach some of your lot how to fly.”

James, my mind screamed.

“Sloane! Gunner!” Aaron shouted in the mic. Gunner and I both winced in the pain that our eardrums possibly snapped into pieces. “Get your asses to the war room!”

I glanced at James, who no doubted heard the whole thing. He nodded, waving his hand at Gunner. “You ready?”

“We're about to die.” Gunner muttered. I smiled softly at James's confusion. “Aaron is gonna kill us before we can get near any battle.”


“The first thing is, there's going to be guards inside and out of the holding center. Sloane, if it's anything like the one you were in, the actual holding cell will be in the middle.” Aaron said, pointing out the middle room on the blueprint and marking in with a black sharpie.

“Though, when you found me and Gunner, we were half dead and being tortured to death.” I corrected. He nodded, marking the rooms around the center as well.

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