Chapter Twenty Seven

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I went back inside and closed the door behind me. First thing I did was to dial Mr Stinson and let him know I wouldn't be coming in to work as I had some 'family issues'. He was surprisingly understanding, which made me think he knew what exactly it felt like to have family issues. I kind of expected him to yell just a little bit, since I hadn't given any previous notice. I could just imagine Elena bristling when she found out and the image had me snickering for a minute or two.

I also called Grayson my supervisor at the lab and he was okay with it, just grumbled that he would have to get someone to cover for me. Once that was done, I got out the stack of pancakes I set aside for myself in his microwave and ate silently at the kitchen island. I cleaned up the little mess I made from cooking and then went over to his living room and began to watch the episodes of Dance Moms Noah had recorded.

I knew I was stalling going back home and having that much needed talk with my mom but it wasn't totally my fault. Who knew the next time I would have a 70-inch HD TV all to myself?

After two episodes, I finally pulled myself up off the couch and forced myself back to the guest bedroom to shower and change back into the clothes I was wearing yesterday. Once I was dressed and fairly presentable, I picked up my bag and left Noah's house making sure to lock up carefully. It was probably just a formality; Noah no doubt had a bad ass security system living here all alone.

I got into my car and shut the door, pulling my phone out of my bag immediately I was seated. I had switched if off since last night, not wanting to deal with anyone in my emotional state. As soon as I switched it on to call Mr Stinson earlier, voicemails and texts began pouring in from my mom, Walden and Rob.

None from Maya, I thought sadly.

I listened to the voicemails from my mom first. In the earlier ones, I could hear the tears in her voice as she pleaded with me to come home as she still had a lot she wanted to explain to me. Hearing her sound so distraught sent a painful pang through my chest.

A couple more voicemails from Walden basically echoing the same thing my mom had said. And then some from Rob at first asking how I was and how I thought he did at dinner. Then others asking why I wasn't picking and finishing with some erratic sounding ones asking where I was and if I was alright.

He was probably freaked out that I hadn't been picking for so long. I quickly sent my mom a text saying that I would be coming home soon and then called Rob to at least put his mind at ease.

It rang just once before Rob picked up.

"Oh my gosh, babe I've been trying to reach you forever. Are you alright?" came Rob's worried voice over the phone.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine. Just had a rough night after you left that's all", I tried to inject some cheer into my tone to reassure him.

"I was so damn worried. Are you at work? I want to come see you"

"Oh no, I didn't go to work today"

"Are you at home then?"

"Ummm... no"

"Then where the heck are you?" his voice was slowly turning from worried to suspicious

"I slept over at a friend's", I shook my head not liking one bit where this conversation was going but unable to stop it without outright lying.

"Maya's? Give me directions and I'll come get you"

"No... Ahh... you know what? I'm already out so why don't I come meet you wherever you are?"

"Well, okay..." he sounded a bit bummed that he didn't get to be the knight in shining armour coming to rescue me, the damsel in distress "I'm over at Melrose with my dad. He's flipping a property here and I'm helping him out"

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