Chapter Ten

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Have you ever felt so much pain it felt like your heart had been ripped out of your chest? Like the ground could just open up and swallow you whole if it would do anything to stop the hurting?

That was exactly how I felt right at that moment.

My world had stopped.

I gaped at Noah like he was some foreign creature that had caused me this excruciating pain, not like the person that had given me the best kiss of my life a few seconds ago.

"You bastard!" I spat out, I don't know how I kept the tears from spilling down my face. I was too angry and proud to let him see me cry over him.

"Ellenore, please..." he reached out to touch me, the look on his face was that of agony but I backed away from him.

"Oh my God I'm such a fool", I clasped my hand over my mouth, trying not to hyperventilate "I'm such a fool!"

"Ellenore, I wanted to tell you. I was going to tell you"

"How long?" I asked him. He looked confused. "How long have you had a girlfriend?"

He raked a hand through his hair, shaking his head as he did. "Four years. Since high school"

Four years. The words hit me like a missile.

"You know the worst part, Noah?" I asked him bitterly "I knew. I knew that there was no way in this universe a girl like me could end up with someone like you. But I still hoped you know. God, I'm so stupid"

Noah reached out for me again but I took another step back. "Ellie please don't say that", his voice cracked "I do have... feelings for you, I guess that's why I couldn't stay away. But I thought I could ignore it and we could just be friends"

"Bullshit! That's bullshit! You led me on and you know it", my voice filled with hurt and anger sounded foreign to my own ears

Noah ran his hands through his tousled hair again, he couldn't deny it. The look on his face gave him away.

"I'm so sorry, Ellenore" Like his words could do anything to ease this pain I felt inside.

"I can't listen to this anymore. I just want to go home" I had had enough. I looked around, searching for means of escape. We were in another town and I hadn't brought my car, how unlucky could a person be?

"Get in the car. I'll take you home", Noah said quietly. He looked defeated as he got into his side of the car.

I wished I had any other option, but I didn't. I reluctantly walked to the passenger's side of his Mustang, opened the door and got in.

The ride back to town was the longest journey of my life. Noah could tell that I didn't want to hear a word from him. The silence was so unbearably painful. I looked out of my window for the whole ride, letting the tears that I had been holding back flow freely and silently down my face without bothering to swipe them off.

I didn't want Noah to know I was crying, I could die if he knew I was crying over him. He had caused me enough hurt as it was, I really didn't need him to know he had gotten so under my skin, I was shedding tears because I couldn't have him.

When he finally pulled onto my street, I had never been so happy to see my house before. I needed to get out of that car desperately.

"Ellenore..." he started to say as he braked to pull into the driveway of my house. I didn't let him complete that statement because I opened the door and hopped out of his car before it had even slowed to a stop, slamming the door loudly in his face.

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