Parker Stevens; Chapter Fifteen

Start from the beginning

                I was wearing tight dark blue skinny jeans with a black ¾ sleeved top that had a lace back. Of course I wore a camisole under it, I wasn’t quite ready to push any dress code boundaries as of yet.

                Finally giving in to the urge, I looked in the mirror, shocked for a moment at my reflection before remembering what I had done on Saturday.  My hair was in perfect condition, the glossy black strands hanging down just past my shoulders, curling inwards at the ends. My eyes were surrounded by a liquid black eyeliner that pulled out at the ends in a cat eye fashion, my lashes huge with mascara. My lips were coloured with a bright red lip stain that stood out against my now black hair.

                Sighing, I made sure my hair was perfect and that every strand was in place before I checked my make-up. I ran a finger across the bottom of my lip, making sure the lip stain didn’t go over the edge of my lips. Admittedly, I thought I looked good. Pretty damn good if I do day so myself. It was pretty hard to recognize me, which was a good thing. I think.

                I knew that I would have nothing else to do until I waited for Parker to get here so I pulled my iPod out from my bag and plugged the headphones into my ears. I pressed shuffle before placing it in my pocket and slipping my backpack over one shoulder.  Exiting the bathroom, I glanced at myself in the mirror for one moment, the old Grace nagging at me from the back of my head, shouting at me to go home and change, to pull my hair back into a ponytail and wipe the lip stain off my lips. But instead I ignored her and walked out of the bathroom and headed to my locker.

                By now it was 8:20, I had spent quite a few minutes in the washroom apparently, and a lot of people had arrived in the past ten minutes. My head tried to sneak its way down to my chest as people stared at me, openly staring may I add, but I held it up high and gave the air of pure confidence. My heels clomped along the tiles and I pretended not to hear them as I walked along to my locker. Unfortunately, once I had arrived, Greg was standing by it, his back leaning against the one next to my own; head down as he flicked through his Iphone’s screen.  Internally sighing, I paused in my walking before taking a deep breath and heading over to my locker.

                “Hey Grace.” He mumbled while staring down at his phone and typing against the touch screen.

                “Hi.” I said calmly, but I was freaking out on the inside. Was he going to say something? Was he going to tell people? Oh my gosh-

                “So how was your weekend?” He asked with his head still down at his phone.

                “Fine.” I said coldly. His eyebrows crinkled at my tone and finally his head popped up from his phone. I quickly looked away from him and continued turning the dial on my lock.

                “Whoa.” He said quietly after a moment’s pause.

                I continued to turn the dial on my lock before I popped the locker open and began switching my books from my bag to my locker and vice versa.

                “Grace? Is-is that you?” He said. I glanced up at him from where I was bending down to grab my books and forced an eye roll. I stood up and glared at him. His mouth was agape, his eyes raking over my body before settling on my face.

                “No shit.” I scoffed before slamming my locker shut and pushing the lock back on it. I pulled my bag back onto one shoulder and spun away from Greg, thankful that he hadn’t said anymore.

                A hand on my arm pulled me back.

                I spoke too soon.

Parker Stevens, I Can Hold a GrudgeWhere stories live. Discover now