Louis watches as Harry focuses on the rings that Louis decided to wear that day. Yes, Harry, they are yours.


"But they're too big for you," Harry points out before looking at Louis accusingly. "Any other confessions, kitten?"

Louis shrugs, pursing his pink lips together before stealing a quick glance over to Anne and Robin. Neither are paying him any attention and Eden is busy playing with her teddy bear so Louis leans forward, purposely brushing his lips against the shell of Harry's ear.

"I may or may not be wearing those panties you bought me last week."

When Louis pulls away, a devious smirk spreads across his face while he watches Harry's widened eyes travel down his body, landing on the area around his crotch before he shamelessly stares for a few seconds. Louis expects Harry to say something flirtatious back as he normally would, but he doesn't.

Instead, Harry tears his gaze away from Louis' shorts to look at Anne, his expression suddenly contorting into one of kindness. Too kind, Louis notices.

"Mum, how about you and Robin go out tonight. We'll pay for you, of course. We just really want to thank you for letting us stay and for minding Eden for us whenever we're not here."

"Harry, of course we'd let you stay! There's really no need-"

"No, no! I insist!"


"Daddy!" Eden exclaims when she sees Harry lying across the sofa, doing her best to run from the bedroom to the cosy sitting room instead. Louis follows close behind, his hands out and ready to catch her if she happens to stumble.

Harry sits up from the sofa with a bright smile, "who got you dressed for bed, gorgeous?"

"Dada!" Eden excitedly answers back, pointing a short finger over to Louis while Louis drops himself onto the recliner. The sitting room curtains are closed, the only source of light coming from a lamp in the corner of the room and the muted television screen. It's lovely and welcoming; Louis loves it.

Harry nods encouragingly to his daughter, a proud grin etched on his face with how well her words are coming along. Anne and Robin left an hour earlier after his constant persuasion to have a night out together. Yes, he wants to thank them for all they have done but his main motive was so that he and Louis can have the night to themselves. As soon as Eden is fast asleep, that is.

"Is she ready for bed, Lou? Will I bring her?" Harry offers while he pulls himself up from his lazy position to lift the little girl onto his lap while still sitting on the sofa.

Louis nods across the room to Harry, a smile playing on his lips while he says, "You can bring her in a minute. She has something to tell you first, don't you, darling?"

Eden, who is lazily lying back against Harry's chest, turns her head to look up at Harry's face, looking as if she's deep in thought. Harry looks down at her with a wide smile before leaning down to press a quick peck to her forehead, "What is it, bubs?"

"What have you to tell daddy? What's the big surprise?" Louis encourages further, his blue eyes hopeful. Louis' slowly drooping smile is quickly restored when he sees Eden wriggle out of Harry's arms, relief washing over him like a tsunami when he realizes that Eden hasn't forgotten what he taught her do to just minutes ago when he was putting her pyjamas on.

Harry watches with interest and curiosity as Eden walks carefully over towards Louis, her arms stretched out in front of herself as if waiting for Louis to scoop her up into his arms. But Louis doesn't, and Eden doesn't whimper for cuddles either.

Harry's eyes flicker quickly up to Louis' face and the hybrid looks like he's going to burst with excitement. And when Eden finally reaches Louis' legs, she throws her arms up to be lifted accompanied with her contagious giggle.

To say Harry is confused is a serious understatement.

Louis lifts Eden up onto his lap and as soon as she is seated, she presses both her tiny hands flat against Louis' stomach. Louis grins encouragingly to her, mentally willing her to continue.

"What's the surprise, love?"

Eden looks back over her shoulder when she hears Harry's deep voice speak and again, she pats Louis' tummy lightly with a small giggle, "baby!"

Louis softly laughs along with his daughter while looking up to face his boyfriend, his blue eyes sparkling with delight. Harry's face holds one of shock, his hands flying up to cover his mouth while he springs to his feet.

"Really?! Really?!" Harry gasps, his jaw wide open and his heart rabbiting in his chest. He practically runs over to Eden and Louis, dropping next to the recliner to join them. There's so many questions he feels that he wants to ask and things that he needs to say, that he ends up blurting out the one thing he means to keep in his head.

"You've got to be kitten me!"

Luckily, Louis throws his head back and laughs so loudly that it causes Eden to jump a little in his arms and while Louis is laughing, Harry throws his arms around both of them for a hug while helplessly laughing himself.

"Now isn't the time for your terrible jokes, Harry," Louis tries to scold once he has recovered but he's smiling so damn wide that Harry can't help but lean forward and press a short kiss to his lips, his breathing pattern all over the place with excitement.

"I'll put Eden to bed and then.. then we can properly celebrate, yeah?" Harry asks in a whisper, his infamous lopsided smirk evident as well as his dimples while he gazes deep into his boyfriend's eyes.

Louis nods back, his own little smirk intact while he breathes out a quiet, "definitely. Be quick."

The End.

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