Twisted Desires No More

Start from the beginning

“I don’t know really, just doing what I’m told. Like now I have to go save a young girl. So I appreciate your help and hope you will come visit me at the palace when we get back.” I said looking over to Leslie who was smiling and nodding like crazy.

“Luke has my number” was all he said as he turned around and walked away.

“I’ll see you later Leslie” I said as I followed Bruce into the living room. Ace and Alec were sitting on the couch and Luke was sitting in a recliner watching some movie. Guess he didn’t pass out. Wonder what happened and why the hell his eyes were flashing so much.

“Princess” Alec breathed jumping off the couch and pulling me into his arms. I buried my face in his chest and sighed. I wish I could stay like this forever.

“We have to go” I said looking up into those beautiful eyes.

“Where” Luke asked looking between me and the TV.

“Sorry but you’re not getting out of coming” I said seeing his face fall. I don’t like the idea of him not being with me right now. Not with the chance I might need him where we are going. This club isn’t just for humans, it’s for crazy, psycho’s who like to get their kicks from hurting women and even though I’m sure I could handle it myself, I felt better knowing these three would be with me. Plus it will help to find this girl, whoever she is. Luke grumbled a bit but finally got up and came over to me as he took my hand. Ace took the other hand as we said our good-byes to Bruce and Leslie when the room disappeared.

The sky was pitch black, the smell of beer, piss, rotting animals, and other horrible smells assaulted my nose. We were standing on a dirty sidewalk littered with trash and hookers. How they hadn’t noticed us just pop up was beyond me but I didn’t care. They didn’t waste time to come up to my guys and start rubbing all over them though. All three of them growled at the same time making the girls jump away scared. I smiled as their reaction when I looked up at the glowing red sign “Twisted Desire”. It was a large building that looked like an old store that was converted into a club. I wasn’t sure if they would be open yet or not so when I saw the door open and a drunk stumble out I got my answer. All of us went inside to see a very large, dark room lit up by a few red lights from the ceiling. There were tables scattered around the place, a stage in the center and music playing low from a DJ station in the far left corner. On the right wall was a long bar with a few guys sitting around drinking beer or shots. The man behind the counter looked to be in his mid 20’s with dark hair, tall, lean body and a black t-shirt with the name of the bar on the front.

“Can I get you something” he called to us.

“Yeah we’ll have a pitcher of Corona and four glasses” Luke said as the guy nodded.

“Have you been here before” I asked because he seemed comfortable where I felt like running out of here and hiding like a little girl. It was dark and gloomy with the smell of old beer and sweat making me constantly rub my nose to get rid of the smell. Luke gave me an innocent look before walking to the bar and getting the stuff. Once he got everything he grabbed a table close to the stage and we all sat down to wait.

The guys drank the beer while I refused, I hate the taste of beer. It is nasty and stinks and I keep reminding them I’m still human. It would take one glass to knock me on my ass. My bar was nothing like this, it was fun and clean. It was dark but nothing like this, this was just creepy. We sat there talking for hours and Luke had us all laughing at some of the things he did when lived with his ‘Gran’. He told us about the time he ran out of the house naked just to chase her dog down the street. He was 13 at the time so it would have been funny to see. It was almost 10:30 when things started to get wound up. People filled the place, mostly men who ranged from 18 to 60 and they were already getting wild. Most of the waitresses came in at 9 and I noticed they were wearing really short shorts that had half their ass sticking out, tube tops with the name of the club and more make-up then needed. A girl named Cindy was working our table along with 5 others around us. I think we were the only ones that weren’t grabbing her ass or trying to get her to sit with us. She was pretty with her wavy blond hair and bright blue eyes but she wasn’t who I was looking for. Luke was watching all the girls with hungry eyes and I had to keep smacking him to remind him he wasn’t here for fun. He would grumble and whine for a bit but would be good a little while longer. The music was blaring and a few people that had a girl with them were dancing. At 11 pm the guy behind the bar pulled out a mic and started talking getting everyone attention.

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