She looked at me shocked! "Who's Giselle? Some girl you knocked up with a kid? Riley, Hon...What the hell?"

I rolled my eyes. "She's my wife. She's having my baby and I'm adopting my neighbor's grandson."


"I didn't invite anyone. We got hitched in a chapel in Las Vegas and now were getting a life started with the kids." I said with a small smile.

She looked and nodded at me. "I ain't gonna lie, I'm jealous of that little minx. You had to be one of the best lookin' guys with a lot of talent and heart. And your just oh so fit." She gripped my bicep and squeezed it. "You best be treatin' that lady right ya hear. And she better be good to you also." I  smiled at this. I liked her cause even though she flirted a lot, she behaved like a respectable woman. "Now I best be going. Got work to do. By the way...Leslie Carrigan is being her usual bitch self so avoid recording room 5. Take care Hon, and congratulations on your wedding." With that she sauntered off.

I headed to our allotted recording room where Ian was sitting there strumming his bass guitar. I smiled at him. He was lost in his own little world as he strummed his bass and he had a small smile on his face. Ian is one of the best friends you could ask for. He's loyal, brave, kind, and just a good influence.  He's super shy took me forever to get him to talk to me without any hesitation. But it was worth the wait. You'd never guess but the guy's a virgin. He wants one girl to be his before he sheds his V-Card. I laughed at him a few years I realize I wish I was strong enough to wait for Giselle like how she waited for me.  I walked over to him and gently tapped his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled. I pulled him in for a hug. "I'm gonna be a father." I felt his arms tighten around me. "Considering all the sex you and Giselle have I'm amazed it didn't happen sooner."I heard him mumble.

David walked in on us and smiled. Unlike shy and sweet Ian...David is a hell-raiser. He throws these crazy parties and has these scandalous love affairs and is just a headache for the label. All that aside...he's a good man.  He's the guy who found me and convinced me to join the  band. Between the two of us, we both get a lot of attention from female fans but while I now I'm happy to be with one he likes to keep on raising the bar. " What's going on? " he asked me. "I'm going to be a father!" I repeated.  David smiled and joined Ian and I in the hug. 

A minute later Willy showed up.  Will is the temperamental one. While the three of us are relaxed and calm Will is the angry one.  He keeps it contained but he is the angriest man alive. I'm not sure what makes him so angry but it terrifies me to know he might breakdown and unleash all that pent up rage. None of us know why he is the way he is but we still love him. "Riley's gonna be a daddy!" David blurted out in excitement. Will looked stunned and then he joined in the hug. After a few minutes we broke the hug and the boys patted me on the back and congratulated me.

We got to work with the song.  The song has yet to be named but it's one that Dave and I were writing. We worked on the the last 2 weeks and were almost done with it. We were all happy with the way it was going. We needed to have this album finished in 3 months. We needed to wrap up 3 more songs before the 5th album is finished.  Then we go on tour again. Normally I'm excited for touring and meeting fans...but now there is a family involved in my life. I can't leave them for long periods of time.  My wife is pregnant and I'm about to have a little boy live with us.

I need to ask Darren about this.


At  6:30 pm it was decided we were done for the day. I arrived home to see Giselle and Esther sitting there talking in the kitchen while Benny watched television. Benny turned to look at me and his cute little face lit up when he saw me. "DADDY!" he screamed before running towards me  in excitement. "Hey buddy. You miss me?"  I asked him to which he nodded excitedly. Esther stood up and walked towards me.  "We have a few things to discuss especially with the recent developments."

I nodded and pulled Giselle in for a kiss. She giggled and pecked me on the lips. After the happy exchange the three of us st down at the table since Benny returned to the TV. Esther sighed and spoke. "The cancer has progressed into my bones. I will probably be dead in the next two weeks."

All the happiness from yesterday and today left as I sat down. I glanced at little Benny who was happily singing along to the television. How am I going to tell him he's going to lose his grandmother? I was broken out of my thoughts when Esther gave me a whack on the back of my head.

"OW!" I glared at her but she ignored it. "I was talking to you! Pay attention."

I nodded and looked at her. "I had it all approved with the social worker and the lawyer. On my death, Benny will be your foster child at first then after a couple of will have adopted him properly."

I looked at Giselle who wrapped her fingers around my hand. She sighed and held Esther's hand also. "Are you going to be alright?"

"Yes dear, in a few days I'm going to check into a hospice and hopefully there I can end things. In those few days, you will need to have Benjamin come live with you.  You have to explain my absence to him. You will need to prove to social services that you two can give him a safe and secure environment. You also need to show that little boy that he won't be alone ever again. You two are all he has left. I hope you can prove to him your all he needs."

I nodded my head firmly. I've known Benny for 18 months before Giselle and I got hitched. I loved that little boy the minute I met him when he was just a wee toddler. That's the kind of effect that he has on people. He's got such a big heart for such a little body and I don't want to see him getting hurt anymore than already has happened. I glanced at Giselle and she was staring at Benny while he watched TV. She suddenly stood up and scooped him up. Benny smiled at her  and placed his head on her shoulder. My son loves affection and Giselle showered the side of his head with kisses. I felt this longing to be a part of the moment. So I also stood up and walked over to them. I gently wrapped an arm around Giselle's waist and brought my loved ones close. Benny turned and held out his chubby little hand to me. I leaned closer to him and placed a soft kiss on his cheek making him sigh happily.

I turned and saw Esther smiling at the three(or four) of us with a happy smile. "I'm relieved to know that he will be safe and protected no matter what. "

I held her hand. "I swear no matter what happens I promise to be the man that Benny deserves as a father. He deserves the best so I will be the best. "

With that she smiled. "Glad to hear that."


As always vote, comment, and enjoy.  Also  I'm thinking of making a series out of this band. Make a book for each band member. Adamant is half finished by the way. So around 20 more chapters and  its finished. Let me know if I should write a book for David,Ian, and Willy.

Peace out kids.

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