Parker Stevens; Chapter Fourteen

Start from the beginning

                I stopped at the doorway and looked over my shoulder to look at Briana.

                “I’m done, Bri. I’ll see you Monday.” I said with a fake smile plastered on my lips. Hopefully you won’t recognize me by then.

                Walking out of that office, I knew what I was leaving behind. It wasn’t easy, but I knew it had to be done.

                I was leaving behind the pathetic little Grace that couldn’t even get a guy. The Grace that blushed too much. The easily embarrassed Grace. The Grace that helped everyone with their problems and left her own to the dogs.

                Who I was going to become?

                Parker Stevens worst nightmare, that’s what.

                As I walked through the empty hallways to my locker, I picked up the papers that littered the ground and walked over to the nearest blue recycling bin, not even bothering to read them. My secrets, spilled. It was almost like it didn’t bother me as much anymore. Now that I knew what I had to do, it almost didn’t matter. This was the old Grace. The old Grace’s secrets, her moments, her crush, not this new Grace.

                It was hard to do, leave everything you’ve known and change yourself, and it was harder to change yourself for the worse.

                The revenge was tough to accomplish, even harder if other people knew your plan. This is why I had to make the decision to carry out on my own from now on. Bri was the best friend a girl could ask for, but there were some things a girl had to do on her own without any interruptions. This was one of them.

                The papers stared at me menacingly from my hand. Instantly I began angrily ripping them to shreds. I felt one of the papers slice at my hand and give me a small paper cut, but at this point I could care less.

                Once the papers had been ripped to unrecognizable shreds, I opened my hands and let the tiny shredded secrets to float down into the recycling bin below me.

                Once they had all left my hands, I felt an inner satisfaction as I began walking down the hallway, swinging my hips in defiance.

                Monday morning, Parker wasn’t going to know what hit him. And I didn’t mean that literally this time.

                Saturday, and both of my parents were out at some charity event.

                As I pulled open my drawers, I blasted Alanis Morissette in a true 90’s kid fashion. My clothes were strewn everywhere around the room, and thank god no one was home or I would’ve been killed.

                I was tearing through them, trying to find the skirts I was sure I had. I couldn’t find any.

                So I was off to the mall.

                My mom had left me her credit card when I told her that I needed to go out and get some clothes. And that I did. My family wasn’t rich, definitely not that, but we were well off. My mom let me go on a shopping spree every 6 months. This makes me sound a little spoiled but I never spent as much as she offered to spend. Plus, I was never that big into clothes. I used to be a big book person, spending all her time with her nose in some new teen romance.

                So as I entered the mall, I had one goal in mind.

                I headed into the stores that sold more; well let’s just say ‘sluttier’ clothing than what little innocent Grace was used too.

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