A Thousand Years - Draco

Start from the beginning

"I uh..." you hesitated, unsure if your friends would approve. "I told him I'd go out with him."

"YOU WHAT???" The whole compartment shook.
"Why would you even consider going out with someone as horrid as Malfoy?" Hermione snapped.
"Yeah he's a bloody git!" Ron chimed in.
"How do you know this isn't some trick or a bloody prank?" Elina said.
Harry just stared, his jaw dropped in shock.

"We'll find out," you defended. "And considering he walked away shell-shocked rather than smug, I'm going to assume it wasn't a prank." You stood and left, walking down the hallway of the train to find an empty compartment.

You eventually found one that held only the Slytherin prince himself. He was muttering unintelligible things to himself and staring out the window.

You looked around, noting the fullness of the other compartments and knowing that the whole train was aware of your business. You tapped on the window and waited for the blond to notice your presence before asking to join him.

He jumped and then turned to see your (y/n) eyes... and lost all train of thought. He just stared at you, surprised he could get such a jolt from a Weasley of all people.

"Mind if I join you? My compartment's panicking and everyone else is talking about me."

He stuttered, "S-sure..." he inwardly kicked himself. He was a Malfoy. He didn't stutter or go weak in the knees over a girl... yet here he was. There was just something about those beautiful (y/n) eyes that captivated him. When he looked at them, he never wanted to look away.

You smiled and sat beside him, closing the door behind you. "I have to ask..."

'Oh bloody hell what did I do now?' He thought to himself.

"Why me?" you finished. "A Gryffindor and a Weasley... aren't those your two biggest enemies?"

"Well... yeah but... you're not like the others... you're.... special I guess. I can't really explain it" Draco said carefully, yet another blush darkening his pale cheeks. He really didn't have a clue as to how to tell you that you were the most beautiful and perfect girl he had ever seen... hopefully what had planned in the room of requirement would change that...

You smiled softly and rested your head on his shoulder.

Draco's heart sputtered at your touch. He held perfectly still, afraid that if he moved you would pull away. "Can I ask you something, (y/n)?"

"Of course," you replied, looking up at him

He studied the small smile playing about the corners of your lips. "Why did you say yes to me? When I went to ask you, I fully expected you to jinx me for even considering asking you out. And with our families and all, and how I've treated your friends..." for the first time in known history, Draco Malfoy looked truly ashamed of himself. He looked down into his lap and twiddled his fingers, listening for your reply.

"I don't care about family feuds," you replied. "Yes, you and your father haven't been the nicest to my family, but you haven't done anything to me personally. And you were nervous. I don't think you would have been that nervous if you weren't sincere." A blush claimed your cheeks as you looked down. "And I may have had a crush on you since third year."

Draco did a double take. "Y-You have?" His mind reeled. 'So I could have asked her out three bloody years ago? Damn it, Malfoy. All this time... how could you be so bloody thick?' Draco thought at himself. He was so frustrated with himself. He scoffed. "What a coincidence... I've kinda had a crush on you since we met..." Draco realized he just said that out loud and blushed for what seemed the millionth time today. In great leap of faith, took your hand in his own, and looked up through his long blonde lashes to gauge yout reaction.

"And you haven't said anything until now?" you teased before looking down at your hands. You smiled softly and intertwined your fingers.

Draco's heart sputtered at your tender gesture. He looked at your linked fingers, then flashed his signature smirk "I guess I am just bloody thick." He chuckled.

You rested your head on his arm and closed your eyes. Soon announcements were made that they were arriving at the castle.

His head was resting on yours... he couldn't believe his luck. He was snuggled with his favorite witch on the way to his favorite place in the world. He almost couldn't bear to release you to change into your robes. He felt cold without you next to him.

You slipped on your robe before returning to his side, ignoring the stares from the other students.

He smiled at you. Even in your drab school robes you still had the air of a goddess. He felt warmth flood his stomach and tingling in his spine.

You kept your fingers intertwined as you left the train and piled into carriages to ride to the castle.

Draco held you close and glared daggers at the Slytherins who dared to stare at them. He had waited for you long enough. There was no way he would let anyone ruin what he had wanted for the longest time. He gave your hand up and let you snuggle up to his side. He swore to himself then and there that he would protect you with everything he had. By any means necessary.

You looked up at him as he glared at their audience. You snuggled into his side, finding that you enjoyed his protective side. You glanced to the side to find your brothers watching you with concern and a hint of disgust and sighed softly, opting to ignore them.

"What's wrong (y/n)?" Draco asked worriedly.

"Nothing," you replied, shaking your head. "It'll just take time for people to accept this."

He glared around, noticing your brothers glaring at him. If looks could kill....
Repressing his urge to sneer at them, he looked away, "I've got a lot to make up for, don't I?" How he was going to do that exactly, though, he had no idea.

"Little bit," you giggled softly. "They think that... you're using me... that you're not serious..."

"I understand how they would think that. I haven't exactly seen eye to eye with them since we met. But I swear to you, (y/n), I will find a way to prove them wrong." Draco had that familiar steely glint in his eye. He wasn't going to give up.

"I believe you," you replied softly, resting your head on his shoulder.

As they approached the school, Draco's hand tightened in yours. He knew he couldn't stick by you every minute, and he also knew everyone they knew would give you hell for your new relationship with him. He didn't want you to get hurt. And who better to hurt you than those closest to you? His lips pressed into a thin line of worry and frustration.

You noticed his tension and looked up at him, eyes full of worry. "Are you alright?" you asked as they headed into the castle. You worried that the criticism of other students would make him decide you weren't worth it.

Draco sighed. "I'm just worried." His eyes shifted to the crowds now glaring at them. He pulled you closer.

You tightened your fingers around his and ignored the watchers. They'd only seen Draco's cold facade. They didn't know the true Draco.

As they entered the Great Hall Draco pulled you in for a hug and planted a kiss on your forehead before releasing you to join her friends. His eyes never left you through the entire feast.

You watched him go before sitting at the end of your table. You sat beside your roommate Alice, ignoring the stares of your friends.

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