Natasha fired at her but the woman turned to Natasha and was undamaged. She flew towards Natasha.

Clint couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. She flies!

Once the woman approach to Natasha, she pointed her hands towards Natasha and a strong light took over the woman's hands.

C: She has fireworks in her hands! Nat, watch out!

Before the lightning strikes Natasha, Steve came in front of her with his shield. The lightning struck the shield and hit the ceiling, causing it to fall. A large piece of concrete fell on the mysterious woman. Clint ran towards her.

C: She's passed out, but is alive. We have to take her.

S: What? She attacked us

C: We have to take her with us. Trust me, Cap.

N: We need to move, this place is going down.

Another concrete block fell.

S: Help me pull her out of the rubble.

Natasha and Clint helped Steve. Steve took the lady in his arms and started running toward the exit along with Clint and Natasha, while all behind them collapsed.

They managed to leave the tunnel, ran through the woods to reach the bikes. Steve found a way of holding the woman in his body, he mounted on his bike and sped up the best he could. Clint and Natasha followed them.

Halfway still had some agents shooting at them, Natasha was driving while Clint was shooting back and protecting Steve too.

They managed to reach the jet.

Clint ran to the driver's seat and turned on the jet.

Steve and Natasha accommodated the woman on a stretcher and locked her in for security reasons.

The doors closed and Clint took off.

Natasha looked at Steve's arm.

N: You are hurt.

S: From glancing. It's nothing.

N: Let me take a look.

Natasha looked at the wound and she noticed there was a risk of infection.

N: I'll clean up and make a curative.

Steve put his hand over Natasha. Natasha looked at him.

S: There's no need, I'm fine.

N: Sh... This can infect. We have 5 hours of flying ahead. I'll clean it up.

Steve had been defeated as in all battles with Natasha. He put his arm outstretched on a table that Natasha pushed to him.

Natasha ripped the sleeve of Steve's uniform to leave the area around free. She took gauze, spent hydrogen peroxide and began to clean the wound and the skin around it.

Steve wasn't feeling pain anymore, he liked the attention that Natasha was addressing to him. He watched as she concentrated on preparing the needle to stitch the wound.

Before drilling into his skin, she looked at him.

N: It's just a little prick but I bet you won't feel anything.

S: The serum does not protect me from everything.

Natasha looked at Steve and smiled. She started stitching the wound and lightly bit her lip while doing the procedure.

Steve noticed and remembered how much he loves to watch Natasha biting her lip. It was very rare, but he watched every time she did. Deep down he felt envy of those teeth. He wanted his teeth and his tongue to touch those lips.

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