Parker Stevens; Chapter Eleven

Start from the beginning

Since I had his keys, I took the car remote off the key ring and kept it for myself, asking someone to drop the keys off for Parker, claiming they found it in the parking lot. 

Now, I sat across Parker's car in Greg's, waiting for him to come out. This prank was just for the purposes of my childish enjoyment. Nothing more. But it was still extremely fun to piss Parker off. 

"There he is." Greg said to me, smirking. I smirked back before sinking down slightly in the seats. I watched as Parker approached the car, looking surprised that it was still there. I burst out laughing at the now bright red bruise forming on his freckled cheek. Yes, he had freckles. I blinked at myself, not even realizing it until my subconscious pointed it out for me.   

Slowly, I watched as Parker pulled his keys out of his pocket and looked around his car, inspecting it. He must have thought I had done something to his car in the time period his keys were missing. I should have but I wanted to save the car pranks until later this week. Well, except for this one. 

After he had inspected it, he grabbed the key in the key ring and shoved it into the car's lock. He spun the key. Everything seemed to be in slow motion for a moment as he pulled the key from the lock and I pressed the lock button on the car remote. 

The car locked itself. 

Parker blinked and stepped back for a moment, glancing around the parking log which was practically empty. He reached for his key again and pushed it into the lock, turning it again. He pulled the key out after he unlocked the door, and once again, I pressed the lock button on the remote. He looked around again and I quickly opened the car door, quietly tucking the remote into my thick pullover sweater pocket. He went to open the door again but this time I pressed the alarm button before heading over to him. The alarm was an ear-piercing horn and only I could stop it. The few people that were left were giving him questioning looks and annoyed stares. I held in a laugh.

“Parker! Shut your car up!” I yelled at him. He looked over at me with an exasperated expression before shoving his key in the lock once again. I locked it once again. He looked around the parking lot then threw his keys on the ground.

“Dammit!” He yelled, clearly frustrated. I bit my lip in order to hold in my smile so when he faced me, he suspected nothing.

“What do you want!?” He yelled over the loud shrieking of the car horn. I quickly pressed the alarm button on the remote so it stopped. He jumped when it stopped and looked around him again. HE sighed and ran his hand through his hair, his jaw clenched. I tried not to notice the muscles rippling in his jaw as he did so, but like I said, I tried not to. There was no denying that he was considerably cute. I wouldn’t go as far as to say he was hot. I mean, his personality and player attitude brought him down a few notches.  Sure, with his pure brown eyes and pretty tall frame he attracted girls left right and centre. And-

“Grace? Are you checking me out?” Parker asked with a glint in his eyes and a cheeky smile planted on his mouth. I felt my cheeks burn red.

“No.” I said sternly before pressing the alarm button on the remote again. He jumped and kicked the wheel of his car.

“Shit!” He picked up his keys and quickly jammed them in the door again. He spun the lock and before I could even press the button the remote, he dove at me, shoving me against his car. He pushed both his hands on either side of my face, cornering me. I felt my heart jump up to my throat. His jaw was clenched as he looked down at me. I smiled sheepishly up at him.

“Give me the remote.” He said through clenched teeth. I gave him an innocent look before he moved down slightly so his forehead was almost pressed against mine.

Parker Stevens, I Can Hold a GrudgeWhere stories live. Discover now