Scene 025

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Scene O25

"This is Dammarow Heir calling Valdiar Star. Come in Valdiar Star," said Dam.

"Valdiar Star, here. Cat speaking."

"I've activated my personal tracer and I am sending you my coordinates. I'm ready to be transported," said Dam. As he climbed into a silver spacesuit, his hands began to quiver and he broke into a sweat.

"I have received your coordinates. I am switching over the engine. The transporter beam is locking onto you, now," said Cat.

Dam felt a large warm pulse flow through his body. Everything went white, a cold sensation filled him, and then he was on the Valdiar Star, standing in the Transporter Room.

"Transportation is complete. I am switching the engine back on line," said Cat.

"I knew you could do it," said Dam. He started to undo his suite and breathed in a huge lung full of air.

"Was there any doubt? When I say, I can do something, I always mean it. I have paged Jac to let him of your arrival. He will be here in a few minutes." Cat's reply had been smug.

Dam sat on the Transporter Pad to take off his suite. "That's all right; I need a few minutes to gather myself. You know Cat; I really hate shuttles. The only thing that kept me from going around the bend was the fact that Amy would've felt it." After he ran his fingers through his wet mane of hair, He leaned back onto his hands and took a few more deep breaths. He sat quietly gathering his thoughts.

The door opened and Jac rushed into the room. His clothes were hanging in total disarray. It looked as if he had been jolted awake and threw on whatever he could find quick. "Damn it, you must have pushed that shuttle to its capabilities. I bet you didn't eat or drink anything because you had all power routed to the engine. We weren't expecting you until tomorrow around midday sometime."

"I'm here now. Please, quit harping at me and show me to my cabin. I need to eat and get some sleep. Before that though, show me Amy's cabin. I want to look in on her," said Dam, pulling himself to his feet. He was beginning to sway slightly on his feet.

Jac stood there a moment and then grabbed Dam into a great big bear hug. "Come on my friend," said Jac, turning toward the door. "Let's go. I'll show you Amy's cabin door on the way to your cabin."

As they stepped out of the lift onto the living quarter's deck, Jac said, "You cabin and Amy's are on the opposite sides of the ship." He turned toward Amy's door. "Here is Amy's Cabin."

Feeling a strong drawl, Dam walked to the door and started to open it.

"Wait, don't go in there. You will wake her." Jac whispered and reached for his friend.

Pausing, Dam said, "Cat, turn down the hall lights to match the lights in Amy's room. Jac, I must see her. I'll just be a few seconds. It will ease my mind which, will ease her mind." He quietly walked into the room, leaving Jac outside in the hall.

Walking over to Amy's bed, Dam looked down at her. A surge of affection and wanting filled him. It replaced the last spots of cold in him that the long range transportation had produced. Reaching out, he brushed his fingers over Amy's forehead.

"Mum." Amy mumbled in her sleep and rolled over.

Sighing, Dam turned and left the cabin. The door closed as Dam exited the cabin and entered the hall. He motioned to Jac and they moved to the other side of the Hall. "Cat, turn the light up, please. Also, wake everyone up, except for Amy, I want to hold a small conference before I go to bed." The lights were turned up. Jac and Dam took seats and waited.

Within thirty minutes, everyone was gathered around Dam. Surprise and amazement was express on everyone's face. The group waited quietly for Dam to begin.

"All of you are probably wondering why you are here, and why I am here." The crew nodded and Dam continued, "As you know, my mate is on the ship. She has a few things that need to be worked on before we can have our Mating Ceremony. I must ask you not to call me Dammarow Heir. I would prefer for you to call me either Dam or Master Dam. Does anyone have any questions?"

Turk blinked and spoke up, "Why weren't we told of your arrival?"

"We were not sure if or even when Dam was going to be able to arrive here," explained Jac. "I took it upon myself to only to tell Kronk, who helped Cat engineer Dam's arrival."

"Are you going to be able to help Amy?" asked a concerned Santi. Her face filled with worry, but her eyes held a sparkle of hope.

"Yes, as you all know, I am a Master at Shinthry. Besides, it's not her control I worry about, but whether or not she will be able to trust me enough to accept the spiritual part of the Mating Ceremony," answered Dam.

Looking over the group, Dam asked, "Any more questions?"

The crew negatively shook their heads.

"You're all dismissed," said Dam.

The small group stood and headed back toward their cabins. Santi paused by her chair as if she wanted to say something. Then, she shook her head and went to her cabin.

Jac pointed to Dam's cabin door and said, "That went better than I would've expected. The reaction from Turk was quite mild. I was waiting for an explosion." Then as if saying Turk's name had awakened a stray thought, he added, "I wonder what it is about him that Amy dislikes?"

"I don't know, but I'd really like something to eat. Have you programmed the simulator with items I like?" asked Dam. Feeling sleepy, he gave a huge yawn. Everything was catch up with him and he felt very worn. The last of his reserves were going fast. Rubbing his hand across his face, he stood and headed to his door.

"Yes, the simulator has been programmed with your preferences," said Jac. "Do you want me to call Beauf and let him know of your safe arrival?"

"Yes, tell him I'll contact him tomorrow. Is there anything else you need or I need to know before I eat and go to bed?" asked Dam. The entered the cabin and he started to undress. Hoping, he would be able to go directly to sleep.

"Cat, program Dam a large cup of Amy's special surprise. You know my favorite one," stressed Jac and continued on, "Dam, I want you to order Amy's special surprise when you are finished eating, but sit upon your bed while you are drinking it, OK?"

"Sure, whatever," said Dam, waving Jac out of his cabin. As he watched his friend leave, he thought, all I want is peace, quite, something to eat, and something to drink.

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