Scene 010

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Scene 010

"Are you all right?" Jac asked, as he joined Amy in the hall. 

"You know Jac just when I begin to think I might have been wrong, something like this happens and I know that you've gotten the wrong person," Amy said, sitting on one of the sofas. 

"Amy, there's no way a mistake has accrued. You and your mate were born for each other. Have you asked Cat who is your mate yet?" 

Shaking her head, Amy looked down at her hands. Her hair slide forward partially blocking her view of Jac. 

"Your mate is a very powerful person and at the time of his birth the High Medic and the Council of Six met and preformed the Calling Ceremony. It sends out a call to the universe for his mate to be born. You are the answer to the Calling and wear the mark of that answer," he said. 

"I don't have any marks," Amy said puzzled. She didn't have any birthmarks or even any major scars for that matter.  

"Yes, you do. We checked as soon as you were brought on board. You have a little crown-shaped birth mark. It is at the base of your skull. The easiest time to see it is at birth," Jac replied, sitting on the sofa next to Amy.  

Shaking her head, Amy gave a shrug. 

"Whether you believe me or not, you were born to be his soul mate. Neither you nor he could've ever successfully mated with anyone else. His soul ends where yours begins and yours ends where his begins." 

"Wait a minute! Cat said that to verify a soul mate, a couple had to visit one of the Council of Six or the High Medic and they would preform the Verification Ceremony to see if the couple were actually soul mates. Now, you're telling me this isn't correct?" Looking over at Jac, Amy waited for his reaction. 

"Well, what Cat told you would be correct for someone like myself, but your mate is a special case. The Calling is how we knew who to send the Image to, and how we found you. Your mate has known where you were since he turned twelve, when you were born." 

"So, my mate is twelve years older than myself. Which puts him at thirty-seven?" Amy speculated. 

"Yes," Jac said and took her hand. "Amy, look at me. Santi said, you knew when she entered your mind, only another medic could do that. She also said; you need to get into an exercise program for your mind and body. It would teach you more control over you mind." 

Glancing quickly at Jac, Amy shook her head and waited. 

"We've many programs to help you learn control for your mind and body. You just need to find the one that is to your liking. Until we can find you an exercise program and you develop better control, you'll never be able to use the spiritual part of a medic." 

Amy gave a little shrug and looked at the floor.  

"The reason Santi was chosen as medic for this trip is because her mind is flexible. We didn't know how your mind would respond to our probing. You accepted the Image so easy. We'd hoped the rest would follow just as nicely. But incase we were wrong, we couldn't afford to lose you or a medic." He gave Amy a smile. "How did we misjudge this so badly? None of your people show any signs of mental capabilities." 

"That's because my race doesn't believe in them. When something unexplained happens, most of my race writes it off as a fluke." Amy said with a halfhearted smile. "I know. It has happened often enough to me." 

"You're telling me that mental energies go untrained on your planet? No one taught you how to control your mind?" Looking aghast, Jac ran his hand through his hair and continued, "It's a miracle, you are sane. This makes it even more important that we get you started in an exercise program." 

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