Scene 070

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Scene 070

"Hello, anyone here?" called Amy. She was walking in the cargo bay all of the lights were turned out.

"Over here," said Dam. His voice came from the farthest corner of the bay. "Come. Join me." Dam watched as Amy walk across the dark room. She walked around and avoided all of the objects he had placed in her path.

"Is there a reason the room is totally black?" Questioned Amy. She joined Dam on his side of the room. She reached out and grabbed his hand.

Giving her had a squeeze. Dam replied, "Yes, I want us to play a game today. Computer, low lights." The room lightened.

Amy was silent for a moment and then said. "OK, what type of game?"

"I'm going to do something, then I want you to react to it. For each solution you will be given points."

"How do we know who won?" Questioned Amy. She wasn't quite convinced this was a game.

"For each point you receive, it will be deducted from my total points. Cat will keep the score."

"So you're telling me, you have all of the points to begin with." Dam nodded his head. Amy continued. "My objective is to react to certain situations." Dam nodded again. "For each time I do something correct I get some of your points."


"Hum," Amy said. "Let's start."

Dam laughed. "We already have. You have received the total points possible."

Amy got a good look at the bay for the first time since entering the room. A maze-like path was constructed of objects that she could have tripped over or ran into. Amy joined Dam in laughter. "You're beginning to know me to well."

Reaching out, he gave Amy a quick hug and kiss. Dam said, "I do try. Now, I'm going to ask you to close your eyes. I'm going over to hide behind one of those three cargo crates. We'll call them one, two, and three. You are to tell me which box I'm behind, one being the closest crate."

"Hum," said Amy. She closed her eyes and concentrated, then before Dam could even call out that he was in position. "Box three. Kronk's in his room. Karr and Jac are in the command center. Abney is in the hall, playing some type of video game. Finally Lubin and Santi are in the Lift."

"What?" Dam exclaimed. "Cat, is this correct?"

"At the time she made her observations, yes. Now, Lubin and Santi have joined Abney in her game."

"Well I say you've earned the maximum number of points, this time also. Tell me how did you know where everyone was?"

"Part of it was quite simple. Kronk is always in Engineering at this time of day. The rest was mainly an educated guess and luck," said Amy. She didn't want a big deal made out of this, because she had been doing things like this her whole life.

"Now, I want you to look at this puzzle." Dam brought a small puzzle out from behind the box with him.

Dam tossed the puzzle to Amy. Catching the puzzle, Amy began to study it. "So, what do I do with it?" The puzzle was a round ball, which looked to be made of many pieces.

"You need to take the puzzle apart and make as many shapes out of it as you can use all of the pieces," explained Dam.

"Hum, How do you take it apart, and how long do I have?" asked Amy. She turned the ball around in her hand studying the puzzle.

Golden Light, Silver LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora