Scene 034

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Scene 034

"Kronk," Dam called as the three of them entered Engineering. "Can I get you to come here for a moment?" Kronk looked up from the engine's console.

"Greetings." Kronk approached the group. "What can I do for you?"

"The equipment I ordered, what cargo bay did you put it in to?" asked Dam, coming to a full stop.

"I've put everything into Cargo Bay..." Kronk paused.

Jac's shoulders tensed while waiting for Kronk to continue.


Jac gave a large sigh of relief and leaned against the lift's door.

Laughter filled Amy and soon, she was joined by Dam and Kronk.

"Thank-you, Kronk," Jac added a heartfelt sigh.

"You're welcome." Kronk glanced back to the engine. "Now, I must get back to monitoring the engine." An expression of concern filled his face.

"Is there something wrong?" asked Amy. Turning her attention to the engine, she watched it's pulsating glow for a few moments. The pulse falter and then picked back up, but the rhythm was slower.

"The engine isn't running as smoothly as it should. I can't figure out what's wrong. The pulsing pattern is faltering. I'm going to track down Cat to find out if she has any suggestions," said Kronk, in a preoccupied manner.

"Cat is with Santi in the Medical Facility," said Amy.

"Thanks," said Kronk. He went back to the engine's console and began to work.

Dam cleared his throat, capturing Amy's attention. Dam and Jac were standing by a cargo bay door. She hurried toward them when Dam asked, "What was that all about?"

"Kronk is a little troubled. I asked him if there was anything wrong."

Jac's gaze snapped onto Amy's face like a man tossed a life line. "What was his answer?" he inquired.

"The engine is giving him some problems. He was going to find Cat and see if she could offer some advise." Amy stepped up to the door that Dam was holding open. "I told him where to find her."

"I'll stay out here to help Kronk." Jac volunteered, taking a step back.

Delight and laughter filled Amy and she said, "This from the man, who said, that the yellow thing in the middle of Engineering is what gets us where we need to go."

"You're not going to get out of helping arrange the equipment, or get out of doing your exercises that easily," mockingly said Dam. "Kronk and Abney, with Cat's help, can fix the engine on their own. Probably faster, without you getting in their way."

Jac's expression turned to that of a martyrs. As he walked through the door, he gave a big sigh and his shoulder's dropped.

Laughing, Amy and Dam followed him in. It was one of the first times since her arrival on the ship, she felt totally relaxed.

Jac stopped just a few feet inside of the door. Almost walking into him, Amy looked around him into the room. This wasn't the clean organized room she had seen on her tour. "Look at this mess," she said. A huge heap of equipment had been dumped in the middle of the bay. There was a small mountain of it. "It looks like our first task of the day will be to get it all straightened."

"Yes, may it take all day," Jac said hopefully, perking up.

"It won't take us that long." Dam shook his head at Jac's theatrics.

"Might as well get started," said Amy. Who, if truth be known, wasn't looking forward to starting the exercises any more than Jac.

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