Scene 017

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Scene 017

A shrilling siren broke into Amy's sleep in the morning. "Cat, what's going on?" 

"We are under attack by pirates. They came upon us during the last swing jump. It is the one moment when our defenses are at their weakest. They've attached themselves to Cargo Bay Three." Cat's reply was tense. 

Jumping up, Amy looked around the room. She didn't have any ideals on what to do. "Cat, where am . . . " 

"Hold, a message from Jac," Cat interrupted. 

"Amy, stay in your room. Go to your study area and sit under your desk, wait for me there. Cat, DO NOT lock the door. We don't want anyone else hurt," said Jac. He abruptly cut off the transmission. 

"Cat, I'm going to my desk," Amy said, dragging her blanket off her bed. She went to the desk and crawling under it. Squeezing as tightly into the corner as she could, Amy sat waiting. 

Within a few minutes, Amy heard the door to her room slide open. Please let it be Jac, she thought. She held her breath. 

A large shuffling and hissing sound came from the other room. A loud crash sounded. It sounded as if the furniture was being overturned and torn apart. A sound of outrage filled the cabin. The sound was close to the kitchen. Whatever it was, was coming into the kitchen. It paused in the doorway. 

Noticing that her blanket wasn't completely under the desk, Amy reached out and pulled the blanket toward her. She then heard the creature head her way. As the creature approached, Amy hid her face. A large hand reached out, grabbed her by the shoulder, and pulled her out from under the desk. This creature was a tall lizard looking humanoid. He had the look of an iguana standing upright, tail included. "Hum. Hiss. He. His," said the Iguana. 

The only thing Amy could do, was to stare at it. Fear dried out her mouth and Amy's face felt frozen in fright. Her heart was beating a mile a minute and any minute now, she felt as if she was going to faint. 

The Iguana repeated, "Hum. Hiss. He. His." He gave Amy a little shake. 

Continuing to stare at the iguana, Amy felt her blanket slip. She lost her grip when the lizard gave her a small shake. She gave a little shiver as the cool air touched her exposed skin. 

A look of puzzlement seemed to cross the Iguana's face when he saw all of her bare skin. He then did something very strange. He put Amy on her feet, picked up her blanket, wrapped her back in it, and placed her back under the desk. During this entire procedure, the Iguana kept repeating over and over again, "Hum. He." After checking that Amy was safely tucked under the desk, the Iguana turned and left the cabin. 

Ten minutes later, the siren stopped. Twenty minutes after the Iguana left Amy's room, Jac rushed into the room. He called, "Amy, you can come out now. They've left just as unexpectedly as they appeared." 

Crawling out from under the desk, Amy pulled her blanket with her. As her heart rate slowed, she called in more of a stage whisper, "How much damage did that over grown Iguana do to the other room?"  

"For being such a big creature, he did very little damage," Cat answered. 

"Amy, are you all right? Answer me," Jac said, bursting into the kitchen area. 

"Yes, I'm fine. Not only do I start an exercise program, but I want to learn how to use a few of your weapons," Amy said, wrapping herself in the blanket, again. Anger filled her whole body now that the attack was over. 

"I have no ideal why they attacked. They tore through the ship in a search pattern. But, when they left, they didn't take anything," said Jac. He leaned against the door jam and ran his fingers through his hair which was already in a rumpled state. It stood up on ends and looked as if he had stuck his finger in an electrical socket. 

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