Scene 092

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Scene 092

"Kronk, go and shut the training room's cargo door," Dam called as the small group exited the lift.

"What?" Kronk exclaimed coming out from behind a panel.

"Amy opened the door and left the ship. Please, close the door before we've a mob on board," Dam commanded.

"Right away, Dam," said Kronk. He hurried to the cargo bay.

"Come on, we've got to catch her. Cat, you know which direction she took when she left the ship. Transport us to that general area. It is as good a place as any to start our search," said Dam. The small group entered the transporter room.

They grabbed communicators and stepped onto the transporter. "Beauf has a small group of guards looking for her, also," said Cat. She started the transporter.

Cat placed them in a small cleared area in one of the buildings. "Let's split up," Dam commanded. "We've a better chance of finding her." Why did she do this? Thought Dam. He left the building and entered the crowds scanning for his mate.

Golden Light, Silver Lightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें