Scene 051

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Scene 051

As she awoke, the computer announced, "You have a message from Dammarow. He said to play it for you when you awoke."

"Let me hear it," Amy said, sitting up in bed.

"Amy, I've the cargo bay ready. We can start your exercises before you go to bed. Please come to the bay in two hours," said Dam's message.

"End of message," announced the computer.

"Tell Dam; we will be there," said Amy stretching as she stood. She walked over to Lubin, awoke him with a pat. "Good evening."

Lubin's head appeared out of his brindle colored body and a great humming purr erupted from him. He gave a big stretch and sent Amy a picture of a huge yawn.

"Let's eat, then I want to know what types of exercises do you have in mind to do," said Amy as she ordered dinner.

Lubin sent a warm feeling of agreement to Amy as he headed for a place at the table.

As dinner ended and Amy was cleaning up, she said. "Let's see if I can understand you enough so you can help me."

A picture appeared in Amy's head of her sitting on the floor by the couch.

"OK. I'll try this." Said Amy

Lubin rolled over to join her from the table. Another picture formed in Amy's head of her leaning against the couch, her head on the seat of the couch.

As she moved to assume the position, Amy asked, "Is this what you want?"

A picture of a smile popped into Amy's head.

"OK, so now what do I do?"

A scene popped into Amy's head showing her with her eyes closed. Lubin was sitting next to and touching Amy's head on the couch.

Feeling slightly nervous, but wanting the help, Amy said, "OK." She felt Lubin jump onto the couch and roll against her head.

A picture came of her taking deep breaths and relaxing.

Following the instruction Amy took deep breath and relaxed against Lubin. All at once in her mind, Amy found herself in a large room with many a doors and doorways off it. Lubin was sitting off to one side. "So, now, what do I do?"

"Enter a door," Came a purring voice from Lubin. "Each room has a different exercise."

"You can talk," Amy exclaimed.

"I could always talk. You've just trained yourself not to listen," Lubin exclaimed. "We need to retrain that habit and train you correctly."

"Oh," said Amy, then in an offended voice added, "I think I've done a fine job on my own."

"I'm not saying you haven't, and if you were still on your world the training you have would be fine. But out here in space, your training is not enough, or of the correct kind," explained Lubin.

"Hum," Amy said still not reassured.

"I'll only say one thing," said Lubin.

"Yes?" Amy asked giving Lubin an inquisitive look.

"Pizza," said Lubin.

A flush covered Amy's body. "Point taken. So where do we go from here?"

"You need to pick the doorway that is exerting the strongest pull on you. Once in the room explain the exercise to you," said Lubin.

Closing her eyes, Amy tried to feel which door called to her the loudest. "I don't feel anything."

Lubin made a rude noise. "You can't force the feeling. Relax and let it come to you."

Taking a deep breath, Amy let it out with a large sigh and closed her eyes. Around the outside edge of her closed eyes she saw many colored lines leaving from her body and heading to each door. "Lubin, which color do I choose?"

"What do you mean, color?"

Amy explained to Lubin what she was seeing, telling him the intensity of each color. "So, which one do I choose?"

"No one has ever done it this way before," muttered Lubin.

As Lubin thought, Amy played with the lines by moving around to see if anything changed. She found as she moved away from the more intense colors, they changed to a white light. "I think I've figured it out."

Not having come up with an answer, Lubin replied. "OK, let's go."

Amy followed the whitest path and Lubin followed her. Once she picked that path, it was so bright that it eclipsed all other paths. They entered into a round room. It had a small table in the center. On the table were five stones, each stone was smaller than the previous one.

"What do I need to do here?" asked Amy as she looked over the table.

"You need to balance all the stones, one on top of the other. First way is from the largest to the smallest the largest being on the bottom. Then the second way is from the smallest to the largest," said Lubin. He paused for a second. "Without touching them."

Amy gasped. "Impossible!"

"It's possible," Lubin said. "You must learn to loosen your control, over come your block. Then you need to learn how to put your energies to use."

"How?" asked Amy, while grinding her teeth.

"Relax, concentrate on each stone," said Lubin. Amy grimaced. He let out a sigh. "Relax."

Closing her eyes, Amy took a deep breath, and pictured the table with the stoned in her mind. Breathing in deeply again she pictured the stones piling into place. Opening her eyes, she looked at the table. Nothing had changed. Again she tried picturing the stones moving, nothing happened.

"Tell me how to fix this? How do I get this done?" asked Amy.

"First, don't just picture it happening. You have to think about how each of the stones would feel while stacking them. You also need to turn your mental energies toward the stones. Let go of your control," Lubin said. He rolled to lean against her leg.

"Imagine how the stones would feel," Amy mumbled to herself. "Let go of my control, yep, right."

Lubin bumped against Amy. "You must do it or we're going to be here all night. We can't leave this room until you have solved this problem. That's the only problem with this place."

"Great, turn on the pressure, why don't you?" Amy said sarcastically. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the stone smaller than the largest. A feeling of betrayal filled Amy. In her mind she saw herself slamming the stones one on top of the other until they were all stacked.

"Open your eyes. Look at what you've done," said Lubin with a smug tone.

Opening her eyes, Amy saw all the stones were stacked just like she had imagined them to be. "Yes," said Amy. The stones returned to their original place. "What happened?"

"You lost your concentration and your control snapped back into place," explained Lubin. "Now, stack them the other way."

Amy closed her eyes. She started stacking the stones in her mind with the smallest on the bottom. She knew if she was doing this with her hands the stones would have to be centered just right. Feeling the stack move, she concentrated on stabilizing the stack. As she put the last stone in place, she called, "Well?"

"Open your eyes."

There on the table stood the stones stacked from the smallest on the bottom to the largest on the top. As Amy looked at the stack feeling proud of herself, the room faded, and she found herself staring up at the ceiling in her cabin. Turning her head to look at Lubin, she asked, "Did I do well?"

A pleasant feeling washed over Amy and Lubin hummed a happy sound.

"Oh, I can't talk to you here, yet. Will it be soon?" asked Amy. She was feeling a little disappointed.

The feeling came, again.

"You have one hour until your meeting," called the computer.

"I need something to drink before we leave. Doing that exercise made me very thirsty," Amy said, getting up from the floor.

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