Scene 003

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Scene 003

Amy sat straight up in bed when she awoke again. This isn't my room. Where am I? She thought. She was still in the room from her dream last night. Maybe, it's not a dream or maybe, I am still asleep, Amy pondered a little scared. 

Looking over the room, Amy noticed details that she hadn't seen the last time she had awaken. The foot of her bed sat under the mural. An over stuffed chair sat next to the mural on a doorway wall. In the big area of the room between her and the door, sat a couch with a coffee table on one wall. A table and two chairs are on the other wall. The room has a very restful feeling to it. 

Feeling as if she was alone and that nothing was going to jump out at her, Amy decided to get out of bed. Flipping the covers back and standing up, Amy realizes that she wasn't wearing any of her own clothes. She had on a two-piece pajama-like outfit. The outfit's basic color is gray with a shimmer of green. The neck line, cuffs, and bottom of the shirt were trimmed in gold. The shirt was full sleeved and it had a v-neck. The front of the shirt fell to mid-thigh and the back of it hit the backs of her knees. 

"This must be a dream," said Amy. "That's it, I'm still dreaming." She quickly decided with a nod of her head. 

Walking around and exploring the room, Amy noticed that even though the items in the room looked familiar they were made out of materials that she couldn't even begin to describe. The coffee table seemed to be the only thing in the room made from something familiar. Looking closer at it, the table wasn't made from wood. But, it looked as if it was made from a glass compound of some sort. 

A low grumble filled the room, startling Amy. With a rueful shake of her head, Amy realized that it had came from her stomach. The growling grumble came again, finishing off with a gurgle. Amy thought, this must be real. My stomach has never grumbled in my dreams before. 

"Food can be retrieved from the simulator. You just need to tell it what you want," said a female voice, filling the room. 

Startled, Amy turned toward the door on her right. The voice had come from this area of the room. Not seeing anyone, Amy called, "Who's there?" 

The voice answered, "My name is Cat. I am your computerized aided for training. I am here to help you to adjust and to teach you some of what you will need to know." 

"Where am I? How did I get here? Where is everyone? What is going on?" Amy cried out. Terror filled Amy as if the sound of her own voice had allowed the terror it's freedom. She took a step toward the door. 

"Calm down," Cat said, soothingly. "All of your questions will be answered soon."  

A hum filled the room. It's soothing tone and pattern settled over Amy, calming her down. Heaving a big sigh, Amy felt her tension drain slowly away. Her stomach grumbled again. "Well Cat, since I'm taking this pretty well," said Amy. I really should be freaking out, she thought. "Show me, where I can find this simulator. I'm really hungry and if I don't get food soon my stomach will think I cut my throat." 

"Come over to the door and look at the panel beside it. A map will be displayed there, showing you where to find the simulator," Cat replied. 

Across the room in its gray border, A panel lit up by the door. Approaching the panel, Amy saw a map of the room. "OK, show me what I need to know." 

"Your room is in effect three rooms. Your rooms are very basic. You have a living quarters, which you are in now. It has a bed/dresser combination, a couch, a coffee table, a small dining table and two chairs, one relaxation chair, and the panels, of course." While Cat was talking, she lit up the room and the pieces of furniture on the map. 

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