Scene 100

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Scene 100

Outside of the silver and gold sphere, two sets of clothing appeared on the stage beside it. "This should answer all doubts." Oskar chuckled. "We, I can safely say, have been dismissed."

People filed out of the room until the only ones left were the Council of Six, Beauf, Jac, Santi, and the enclosed couple. "You can drop the display. The lovers need to be on their way," Jac said with a chuckle.

The council looked at each other with a few coughs and mumbles. Oskar looked at Jac. Shrugging, he smiled and gave a small laugh.

Jac let go of his favorite word. "She's done it again." He ran his fingers through his hair.

"We did nothing but set the stage. Dam and Amy did the rest. To my knowledge this is the first Real Public Mating in many generations." Oskar shrugged and left the stage and the room. The rest of the council followed him.

"Now what?" asked Santi.

"I say, we leave the lovebirds a note telling them their shuttle is ready and leave them in peace," said Beauf. "I've better things to do than watch this display of lights." Beauf wrote the note and placed it on top of the couple's clothes.

As they were leaving the room, Beauf turned to Jac. "Cat is right. You are too attached to that word."

Jac repeated his favorite word, again. Beauf's and Santi's laughter was heard as the doors closed to the Meeting Hall.

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