Scene 016

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Scene 016

"Did you get a recording of my favorite type of music I like to fall asleep to?" Amy asked, getting ready for bed that night. 

"Yes, we copied a large selection of music for you," Cat answered. 

Pulling out one of her night shirts, Amy asked, "Do you have the one with the pipe music?" Amy hoped they had gotten a copy of it. She listened to it when she had a very stressful day. Something about that music helped her to relax. Today had been very tough and stressful. She knew, she was going to need all the help she could get to fall asleep. 

"Yes, we did get a copy of the pipe music, which you like to listen to at night." 

"Good, will you play it for me? I'd appreciate it. Computer, turn off the lights and close down the window's blinds," said Amy. She crawled into bed. 

The lights in the room went off. The window's blinds slithered down with a whoosh and pipe music filled the room. "Goodnight Cat." Amy mumbled before passing into sleep. 

Awaking in a large forest-park, Amy was walking on a wide path through a large group of trees. "Are you here? Come out," she called. There was a watchful feel to the area. 

A large deep voice growled from the shadows off to her right. "You're not ready for me to come out." 

Spinning toward the growling voice, Amy said, "I'm ready to see you." Stepping off the path, she moved toward the voice. 

"You've been shown my looks, time and time again. You keep pushing away the truth. You want me to be a perfect Earthling. You and I know that's not the truth, so you dream about me either in the shadows or as a shadow person," said the growling voice. It had come from the left of the path, this time. 

"Stop. I'm not the only one who doesn't want the truth known. I get a feeling from you that you're just as hesitant to face the truth about me as I am to face the truth about you," said Amy. She walked back onto the path. 

Anger and rage were expressed in a growl and Amy heard him move off at a tremendous pace. There might have been some fear expressed in that growl, she thought. "Why are you so afraid to face me?" Amy cried, nothing answered from the forest. 

A large tear fell down her face as she fell into a deeper sleep.

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