Scene 035

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Scene 035

"Abney, I need for you to come down to Engineering for a moment. I need you to verify some information. I know you've things you want to do today. Hopefully, this won't take but an hour of your time." Kronk's face filled her viewer, as she tried to focus on it.

"It's not a problem. I'll be there in a few minutes," said Abney, with her husky voice filled with sleep. As her viewer went black, she pushed her hair out of her face. It must be important for Kronk to call. Giving a stretch, she sighed and got up to dress.

"What is the problem?" Abney asked a little while later as she stepped out of the lift. Trying to pat her orange and grey striped hair down into place, she looked around the room.

"The engine's pulse is slowing down. We're going to come to a full stop, if we don't find out what's wrong. At least that's what my last diagnostic said." Kronk's face was filled with worry. He read his clipboard viewer.

Looking at Kronk and back to the Engine, Abney asked, "What do you need me to do?"

"I'd like for you to run a diagnostic and see if your results are the same as mine," said Kronk.

Giving a nod, she started toward the engine's console. "OK. I'll run another test." Reaching forward to start, Abney looked at Kronk. He was standing in her way. Giving him an inquiring look, she waited until he took a step out of her way before she started the engine's diagnostic.

"You're correct," said Abney, an hour later while looking at her data. "My results are the same as yours. The only difference I get is the engine is slowing down faster than your results projected."

A fluent flow of curse words began to come from Kronk. They came out so fast and in so many different languages that Abney's translator didn't catch them all. "Sabotage"

"You're correct. This isn't a breakdown of components. Someone did this on purpose." Watching Kronk's reaction, she turned from the console.

Nodding, Kronk gathered himself and said, "That's what I figured, but I didn't want to sound alarms, until I had another opinion. It's time to inform the upper ranking personnel on the ship." He rubbed his hand across his face and let out a sigh.

"Where are they?" Abney's mind was filling with the problem they faced.

"Dam, Jac, and Amy are in Cargo Bay Six. Cat is with Santi at the Medical Facility." He straightened and walked toward the door of Cargo Bay Six.

"Why Cargo Bay Six?" She wondered why they would be in such a sterile area of the ship.

"Amy's training is going to taking place there, in fact that's probably the best place for a meeting, since it is also sound proof." He stopped to explain.

"OK, get going. This can't wait. I'll stay here and monitor the engine." Abney nodded to the door.

Before Kronk entered the cargo bay, Abney heard him order the computer to notify Cat about the meeting.

Golden Light, Silver LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora