Scene 057

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Scene 057

"Hello," said Santi as she looked around a large well-furnished room. "Is anyone here? Where am I?"

From the corner of the room came a familiar voice. "Over here."

"Jac is that you?" Santi called, walking toward the voice.

"Yes, I woke up to this room, or you could say I dreamed to this room," said Jac. He was sitting on a large over stuffed chair in front of an empty fireplace. "I've just been waiting to see what is going to happen next."

"Am I what happened next?" inquired Santi. She took a seat on the floor next to Jac's chair.

"Yes," Jac said staring into the fireplace.

They sat in silence for a long while, until Santi wondered aloud, "Is this what Amy meant when she said Dam and her dream share?"

"That's not funny. I'm not ready for a mate." Jac growled. He turned to glare at Santi.

Shrugging, Santi exclaimed, "It was just a thought. I don't know why we would dream share. Neither of us has any Royal Blood in our lines."

Jac just turned back to the empty fireplace. They sat in total silence until morning, each keeping their thoughts to themselves.

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