Scene 008

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Scene 008

On the Walk to the Medic's, Jac told Amy that they would tour the ship after her visit with the medic. 

"What exactly does this exam cover?" Amy questioned, feeling a little nervous. She tucked a long strand of hair behind her ear. 

"First, you will get into a Medical Bay and be given a quick physical exam. Then, the medic will give you a mental exam. Everything will be over in a matter of minutes," Jac said with confidence. He steered Amy toward the Medical Facility. 

"What is a Medical Bay?" asked Amy. For the first time, Amy looked around the hall. The area was a mixture of a game room, an exercise room, a meeting place, and of course a passage way. 

"It's like a large bed but it has a door that swings down to cover you for a few minutes." 

"As far as the mental exam goes, do I have to answer a lot of questions or fill out any forms?" Amy asked, looking at a large console dominating one are of the Hall. 

"No, the medic will stare into your eyes and gage your emotional and mental health," Jac said. "It's hard to explain how the medic does this. But, trust me. It won't hurt a bit." 

Giving a start, Amy stood up straighter. She wasn't certain about this. As they reached the door, Amy took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. 

After entering the Medical Facility, a young female Valdiarian walked up to them. The cat woman was taller than Amy's own five foot four. She had a light covering of short calico fur all over and a beautiful short head of calico colored hair. It just covered the tops of her ears. Her cat-shaped eyes were a beautiful emerald green. "Greetings. My name is Santi Ailstock. I am the medic for this trip." A smile crossed her face with the greeting. 

"So, Santi, tell me what I need to do?" Amy asked, taking an instant liking to the medic. 

"Go and lie down upon the Medical Bay, so it can take your vital signs. I'll then compare them to the average vital signs of your people," instructed Santi, and pointed to a row of beds across the room from them. 

Jac stood by the door looking as if he didn't know what to do with himself. He looked as he wanted to help but didn't know how. He said, "I'll wait right here." 

Amy nodded her head and asked as she got into the Medical Bay. "What do you mean the average vital signs of my people? Are mine not the same as yours?" 

Santi closed the bay's door. It reminded Amy of a sun tanning bed, except instead of a bright light a blue light ran up and down the length of her body. "While we were following you, I took the time to tap into one of your larger Medical Facility's computers to gather information." Pulling open the bay, Santi continued. "Our temperatures and metabolisms are a little higher than yours, but other then that we are very similar, except for a few outside characteristics." She flashed Amy a grin. 

Going over to a large panel on the wall, Santi looked over the computer's results. Turning to look at Amy, she continued, "You are indeed suffering from transport sickness. It's just a slight mineral and electrolyte imbalance. I've instructed your simulator to compensate for it over the next few days." 

"If you would be seated in one of the two chairs facing each other, we can finish," Santi said. 

Stepping out of the Medic Bay, Amy followed Santi across the room.  

Santi took one chair and nodded to the other with a smile. She said, "I don't know what you have been told about this, but I'll go over the basics for you. I'm going to communicate with your subconscious. It won't hurt. You won't know I'm there. You'll feel nothing."  

Uneasiness filled Amy, she wasn't feeling any more comfortable with Santi's explanation than she had with Jac's. Taking a deep breath, she settled better in the chair. 

"Amy, I want you to look me in the eye and let yourself float mentally. Take a deep breath and release it. Repeat. By doing this you'll give me easier access to gage your mental and emotional well being," Santi said in a rhythmical voice. 

Taking a deep breath and trying to break a life time habit, Amy looked into Santi's eyes. She tried to let herself float. She was breathing in and out to the rhythm Santi was maintaining. A pressure grew in the front of her forehead. Amy closed her eyes and concentrated on the pressure. Her headache was growing worse. The pain had traveled to the base of her skull. Something was trying to crawl into her head. Amy took a deep breath and pushed against whatever was there. 

A large gasp filled the room. Amy couldn't tell where the sound came from, but the pressure in her head had stopped building. A niggling feeling was building up at the base of her skull. Amy tried to mentally capture the sensation. 

Santi cried out and said, "Let go, calm down. It's just me." 

Amy opened her eyes, sprang up from the chair, and avoided eye contact with Santi. Glancing at Jac, Amy said, "I'm going out into the hall. This won't work. Santi could have been hurt very easily." Amy brushed past Jac on her way out.

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