Scene 095

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Scene 095

"I want to know how she received the cut on her face. I also want to know how her translator was broken," said Dam. He was standing in the waiting room of the Medical Facility. He was staring at the door where Santi and Amy had walked through earlier.

"Dam," said Amy. A smile quickly flashed across Dam's face as Amy quickly walked to Dam.

Dam enclosed Amy in his arms. "Is everything all right?" he questioned Santi who had followed Amy into the room.

"She's fine. Her body is accepting the new translator," said Santi.

"I'm sorry. I was so mad at everyone that when I saw the instructions for opening the door my brain jumped the track," said Amy. She gave Dam a hug. This is where I'm suppose to be, she thought.

"What happened to your head and how was your translator broken?" Dam demanded. The guards tensed by the door. Dam gave them a quick hard look.

"I fell," said Amy.

"How? Why did you fall?"

"It's my fault. I was walking through the crowd, watching the people, when I noticed some of the guards weren't just standing around keeping peace but actively looking for something." Amy gave Dam another hug and continued. "Still being mad, I didn't want to talk to you. I had a hunch that they were looking for me. I stepped away from the crowd. I was near the hanger door so I thought I'd step inside there for a few minutes."

"We hadn't even noticed her at that time, sir," said one of the guards.

Amy laughed with embarrassment. "Any way, I wasn't watching where I was walking, and tripped over a storage locker. I busted my head on the door frame. My translator fell out and shattered on the ground. I grabbed the pieces of translator and quickly headed into the hanger," said Amy.

"That is when we noticed her. Excuse me for saying so, but not many Valdiarians trip over stuff. We called in our position and followed her into the hanger. Commander Beauf soon joined us," said the other guard. This was the one Amy had picked up and moved.

"That is all that happened," Amy stated. "No one hurt me. I did it all by myself." Amy started to pull away from Dam.

"You are never to do anything like that again. You scared me to the last inches of my life," said Dam. He wrapped her in a huge hug.

Turning in Dam's embrace, Amy looked over the room. "I'm sorry. I have a very explosive temper. It takes a lot to get it going, but once it's lit I can't control it." Amy squeezed Dam's hand as she waited for her friends and companions to say something.

"Well like I said earlier, you took it better than I expected or would have myself," Santi said with a smile.

"I knew, we should have followed after you. Everyone is all right so I guess it is OK," Jac said with a grin.

"I was getting tried of waiting with the Council for you to show," said the Valdiarian, who had come into the hanger before Dam.

Amy looked up at Dam. "Who is this person? Should I know him? Everyone else seems to know him," said Amy.

"This is Beauf, my first in command, and my other best friend." Dam introduced Beauf.

"Greetings, Beauf," said Amy.

"Greetings, Amy Heir. I'm happy to meet you at last," said Beauf. He took Amy's hand. "I've heard so much about you." He raised her hand to his lips.

"Enough of that," Dam said, moving Amy's hand out of Beauf's hand. He looked over Amy's outfit. "I guess, we are ready to go and meet the High Six. We've delayed long enough."

"I need to change. I've blood on my clothes." She looked at Dam and added. "You've blood on yours also."

"We're fine. I want this meeting over so I can show you my planet up close and personal," Dam declared. He dragged Amy toward the door.

"But, but . . ."

"But nothing, come on." Dam stopped in front of the guards. "Men, could you lead the way. There are a few of us well known enough to give away whom we're escorting. I don't want anything else to happen before we get this meeting over and done with."

"It would be our pleasure, sir," said the first guard.

The second guard nodded, but looked puzzled. "Why does she need a guard? I mean, she picked me up and moved me away from those cargo boxes like I was a piece of paper."

Groans filled the room. "You didn't. Not again," said Jac.

"Sh . . . " Amy said flushing red.

Dam took the question in stride. It was minor compared to what had happened already today. "She can only do things like that when she is very emotional," said Dam.

The guards stood to attention and led the way out of the medical facility.

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