Scene 043

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Scene 043

"Santi, are you here?" Amy called entering the Medical Facility. "Santi?"

"Hum, what?" Santi absentmindedly called. She was reading the viewer on her desk.

"We've brought you a present," Amy said with a smile.

"Hum, whatever." Santi muttered.

"I think this is going to call for drastic measures, Lubin." Amy said, shaking the small bracelet. "Do you have any ideals?"

A large growl and sharp bark came from Lubin causing both Amy and Santi to jump.

"Next time, warn me, OK?"

A feeling of agreement came from Lubin.

"It's Dolefur. You would have to get one," said Santi. She had heard about Dolefurs but never seen one except in pictures.

Amy smiled. "Santi, I'd like you to introduce you to Lubin. Lubin, I'd like you to meet Santi."

"Greetings," Santi said, looking at the pair standing in front of her desk.

"Santi, I've a problem," said Amy. At Santi's inquiring look, she continued. "As I walked around on the repair station, I seemed to tire out quickly. Do you have any explanations?"

"Oh," Santi said, her face filled with concern. A flash of understanding filled her face. "I forgot to send in your gravity requirements to the station. They must have had you on normal gravity for Leymains, the race that built this station. Their gravity is much heavier than yours or ours."


"You see we've been adjusting your body slowly to our gravity level, here on the ship. When you went to the Repair Station, I didn't call ahead with your needs so they didn't know to adjust your area's gravity. Your body had to work much harder than normal," explained Santi.

"Did you call the others requirements, ahead?" Amy asked.

"No, there's a file for our race on the station," Santi explained. "I'm sorry. I've just so much on my mind."

"It's all right. I'm just glad I haven't caught a space germ," said Amy. She let out a huge sigh of relief.

Lubin jumped from Amy's shoulder to Santi's desk. His face appeared and he admitted a pleasant humming sound.

"I do believe he likes you, Santi. He didn't have much to say to the others," Amy exclaimed, taking a chair across the desk from Santi.

"Amy, do you think it would let me touch it?" Santi asked, reaching out to touch Lubin.

"I don't see why not, if HE," stressed Amy, "doesn't mind. It won't bother me. LUBIN," she stressed again. "Is a very smart creature."

"I'm sorry, sir," Santi said to Lubin. Her hand brushed the fine fur. "May I hold you?"

Lubin made the pleasant sound again and rolled into Santi's lap.

"He is much heavier that he looks," exclaimed Santi, Amy just smiled. "He is also telepathic."

"Good, I'm not going insane. I had wondered if he was able to mentally talk. Oh, by the way we picked you something." When Santi looked up, Amy tossed the bracelet at her.

"You didn't have to. Thank-you. It's just what I like," Santi exclaimed, examining the bracelet.

Lubin recaptured Santi attention. "What's that? That's where I can find it? You'd do that, it would be much appreciated."

"What did he say? I only pick up feelings and pictures from him," said Amy.

"Lubin gave me the answer to a problem. I have been working on. He also said. He'd like to help you with your training. If you like?" said Santi, slipping on her bracelet, taking a few moments to watch the way it sparkled.

"Fine by me," said Amy. Then her stomach growled. "I need some lunch. I'm going back to my quarters. If you need me, I'll be there."

Lubin leaped from Santi's lap to Amy's shoulder as she stood up. A grumble came from deep inside him.

"He's hungry also," said Amy.

They all broke into laughter. Amy and Lubin left the medic's presents. "A helpful creature. He may have just given me the answers I seek," said Santi. Then called up the mating Lubin had suggested and began to read.

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