Scene 071

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Scene 071

"Santi, the High Medic wants to speak to you," called the computer. It drew Santi out of her thoughts.

"Put her on my viewer, please," said Santi. Her viewer filled with a white cat woman dressed in silver and white. "Greetings High One."

"Greetings, Medic Santi. I have been waiting for you to report to me. They are passing nothing along from the top command," said the High Medic. She had a worried expression on her face. "The only thing they have passed along is that Dammarow Heir has decided to join his mate. I feel this may not be the whole story."

"Well," said Santi. She didn't know how to respond. Her loyalties were divided. Nobody had ordered her not to report the trouble they were having but no one told her to either. Taking a deep breath Santi continued, "Here is my report on what has accrued so far." Santi sent the High Medic the report. "Dam is giving Amy the Training Game as we speak."

All was quiet, while the High Medic read the report. Santi could tell when she came to the part about Amy getting a Dolefur for a pet, because the High Medic let go of a well known curse. At the end of the report the High Medic looked at Santi and asked, "This report is totally truthful?"

"Yes, I swear on my pledge as a Medic," replied Santi.

The High Medic looked thoughtful, her gray eyes filling with emotion. "Dammarow Heir is giving Amy the Training Game, correct?" At Santi's nod, the High Medic continued, "What is her score so far?"

"Cat, could you please tell me where Amy is running in her placement on the testing?" Santi called.

"Dam and Amy has finished testing and gone for lunch. Amy has placed well above a Medic's calling. She followed the rules to the letter but then she put her own twist on them," said Cat with a chuckle.

"How so?" the High Medic questioned.

Cat begin to retell how the test went. She told them about all of the twist Amy put on the test. "And to finish if off, as Amy was leaving for lunch she reached up, gave Dam a long kiss, and whispered in his ear. 'Thank-you for making it so easy for me to take this test.' Then she kissed him again and left the room."

Santi broke into laughter. "I can just see the look on his face when he comprehended all her words." On the viewer, Cat placed a picture of the look on Dam's face. It was so comical. The High Medic broke into laughter.

"You were correct in your belief of her having some training. She just not trained in any Valdiarian methods," said the High Medic.

"It seems that way," claimed Santi.

"Here is what I want to do. You are roughly three days away from Valdiar. I'll meet you in a day in a half. I want to meet Amy and her pet before they get here," The High Medic said. "Also send me a copy of the recording of the Training Game, please Cat." Before Santi could say anything, the viewer went black.

"Do you think we should report this to Dam?" asked Santi. She was filled with unease.

"No. Let us see what kind of fireworks happen," Cat said with a chuckle. She left the room.

"I don't know if that is the wisest course of action," said Santi. "Life is defiantly going to get interesting."

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