Scene 006

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Scene 006

"It has been two hours and seventeen minutes, since we started. You have not asked any questions. Is there something wrong?" Cat asked, breaking into Amy's concentration. 

Pulling herself away from the computer monitor, Amy replied, "It's hard to believe, I've been watching these that long. Everything is so beautiful. No, nothing is wrong. I've thousands of questions, but I need to take a shower and find some clean clothes." Getting up, Amy gave a big stretch. She looked around the room. "Cat, where are my clothes? You said something before about a dresser. Does it have other clothes in it? I can't wear this outfit forever." Tugging at her current outfit, she glanced at the room again. 

"You have a small selection of clothing of the same style you are wearing under your bed in the dresser. If you want a different style go to the simulator and ask to see the clothing menu or describe to the simulator the cut of clothes you want. It will provide them for you." 

"Wait, I thought the simulator was for food only. Are you, saying it can also make other things besides food?" Amy asked. 


Going to the bed, Amy opened the dresser and picked out a soft yellow and silver outfit, cut along the same line as her current one. She did notice a small pile of rough looking clothes in a drawer. On closer examination, they turned out to be the ones she had been wearing the night of her abduction. "Who undressed and redressed me?" Amy asked. Horrified at the thought of Jac undressing her, Amy felt a blush rising to her face. 

"One of our female crew members changed your clothing while you were asleep," Cat said. 

"Oh," Amy said and headed to the bathroom. 

Looking around the bathroom, Amy saw a toilet but couldn't find anything that looked remotely like a shower. "Cat, I don't see a shower. If you could please explain to me how this shower works you would have my thanks." 

"The first thing you need to know is, our showers do not use water. They use sonic airwaves to clean you. A fine mist of gel will spray you to hydrate your skin and hair. When you want a shower, you call for one. The two stages are five minutes long or shorter if you call for the next stage sooner," Cat explained. 

"I don't see how this is suppose to soothe plus clean, but I'm so dirty. I'll try it." Undressing, Amy looked at herself. I don't know what he'll see in me, but I hope he'll like me, she thought. Shaking her head in anger, she thought, Damn it. I never asked for this, if he's not happy he'll just have to send me home. Amy knew she'd an average figure at five foot three, but she could fill out a pair of jeans and a sweeter, nicely. 

Shaking her head, Amy called for the shower. The vibrations were so soft but seem to hit all the right places, all her tension left her shoulders. Maybe, I'll go to sleep right here, she thought, as the rest of her body relaxed under the vibrations. 

After five minutes passed, Amy gave a small yelp as the hydration stage of the shower came on. The fine mist of gel was cool and refreshing. As the shower ended, she called, "Cat, I noticed, while you were showing me the pictures of the planet there were no pictures of the people. Any reason?" 

"You only asked to see pictures of the planet not of the inhabitants. As I told you before, I am here to give you the information you asked for, nothing else," Cat answered. 

"Good enough. I feel so much better. Let me get something to eat, then let's go back to the pictures. I'm going to ask you to start over and give me the explanation with each picture," Amy said, going to the simulator. For the first time since waking upon the ship, she felt light of heart.

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