Scene 002

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Scene 002

Amy snuggled into the warm of her sheets as she slowly rose out of a deep sleep. Disappointment filled her. She hadn't dreamed about her man last night. She really loved his green eyes and deep voice. A shiver coursed through her as she recalled last night's dream about her work, the car, the park, those men, and the light with the silver humanoid shaped creature. 

She stretched and raised her hands above her head. "What a weird dream. It seemed so real. Even though I feel like I didn’t get enough sleep." She rubbed her head and groaned. Finally she opened her eyes.

This isn’t my room. Her heart began to beat rapidly, as she glanced over the area. "Well, I know this isn't home or Oz," she muttered. 

Still not feeling awake, Amy sat up, pulling the bedding with her. She rubbed her eyes and studied the room. There was a door to her right across the room. A doorway was in front of her. A mural of a picture window of space was on the wall to the left of her. Even thought the light of the room was dim and muted, the colors, they seemed to run from yellows, to blues, and finally to silvers. The room gave off a calming effect. "Interesting decor," she mumbled.

A gruff voice entered the room. It came from the door. "Lay back down. Rest a little while longer."

Amy focused on the area of the room where the voice had come from. She looked for the person or object that had made the noise. There was nothing noticeable. This still must be a dream, she thought. A sweet smell that had been present in the room but not really noticeable before began to filled the room. 

She was beginning to feel very groggy. Her body was begining to feel heavy. It was harder and to stay sitting up. She decided to follow the advice and lay back down. As she snuggled back into her bedding, she thought, This is such a weird dream. Her eyes felt as if she couldn’t hold them open another minute and slowly closed.

Before she was total asleep, Amy heard the door of the room open. She forced her eyes open a crack and saw the silver man from her earlier dream, coming towards her. For a moment her heart rated sped-up, she moaned. But then as if her body was just to tired and heavy to even get that excited, her heart rate evened back out.

The silver man brushed her cheek with the back of his hand. "Goodnight little one. When you wake up everything will be explained," he said. 

A feeling of warmth came over her as sleep got closer. Her eyelids got to heavy to hold open. With the last bit of her energy, she yawned and drifted off into a deep sleep. 

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