Scene 044

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Scene 044

“Computer, connect me to Beauf. Secure the channel,” called Jac, entering his cabin.

“Transmission complete, go ahead.”

He took a seat at his desk. “Greetings, Beauf,” said Jac.

“Well, what have you found out? How bad is the engine damaged? How long do you expect to be delayed? Finally, why are we on a secured channel?" Beauf fired off.

“Hum, where to begin?” Jac said with a far off look. “What question to start with?”

“I don't care, just answer them." Beauf growled.

“We expect to be on the station for another day. We'll be leaving for home, tomorrow.” Jac paused for a moment. “The engine wasn't damaged at all. Someone put a virus in the engine's computer making it seem as if we need to come to the station for major repairs.”

“What are you saying? Someone on the ship wanted to or needed to stop at the repair station?” Questioned Beauf. “Do you have any ideal who?”

“Yes,” said Jac.

“Well, who was it?” Beauf prompted.


“No, not Turk. He is ever faithful to Dam.”

“Is he?”

Beauf paused for a moment thinking about everything that had happened lately and what possible role Turk could have played in them.

“Dam restricted personnel to the ship and guess who was seen in the marketplace?” Came Jac.


“You, got it in one,” said Jac. “Dam wants you to recheck into his shuttle accident.”

“Whatever for?” inquired Beauf.

“Dam wants you to check on Turks' involvement and his whereabouts at the time before, during, and after.”

“He doesn't think, Turk had anything to do with it, does he?”

“Just check. Also, Dam wants to know how peaceful it has been around there? Like within the last month?” Jac questioned slyly.

With a thoughtful look upon his face, Beauf said. “You know, I think I'll do that.” He started to make notes on the pad in front of him.

“By the way, Amy was chosen to become the proud owner of a Dolefur, today.” Jac ended the transmission with a smile.

“Dolefur." Beauf said his attention snapping to the blank viewer. “He couldn't have said Dolefur.” With a shake of his spotted head, Beauf went back to work.

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