Scene 014

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Scene 014

"Jac, my friend, my blood brother, my pal, how are you?" This was the first thing Beauf said as he came on the viewer. 

"I'm not doing so well. You might want to get your affairs in order." At Beauf's inquiring look, Jac continued, "I'm going to kill you when I get home and make your life so miserable. You will wish, you had been the one to come after Amy or at least come along." 

A look of shock crossed Beauf's face. Then, he gave Jac a halfhearted smile. "You're joking right. It couldn't be all that bad."  

Jack looked Beauf square in the face and nodded. 

"You're not joking. I know, you had some problems with the orbit around Amy's home planet, but it can't have been all that bad." 

Jac gave a short bark of laughter. "Compared to today, orbiting was cubs' play." Settling into his chair, Jac ran his figures through his hair. "I'm going to forward you Santi's medical report on Amy, her intelligence ratings, and my report on today's happenings. If these don't change your spots, I don't know what will." 

"I've received your reports. Let me read them quickly and then we'll discuss your problem," Beauf said, scanning the reports. 

While Beauf read the reports, Jac took the time to study his friend. Jac wanted to see if Beauf's last few weeks had been as stressful as his. Nope, he thought, Beauf's week hasn't been as stressful as mine. His black spotted coat is just as shiny and his yellow eyes are just as bright as when I left him. He still has a nice spring to his movements. 

"You're pulling my leg. It can't have been this bad." Beauf growled in disbelief.  

Jac nodded his head. 

A deep growl rumbled from Beauf's chest. "We knew, this was going to be hard with her being a non-Valdiarian. But, for her to be almost untrained mentally is going to make the transition near impossible. I'm sorry, Jac. I really should have gone with you." 

As Beauf apologized, Jac felt a great weight lift off his shoulders. "Just make sure; Dam reads these very throughly. I need him to make a decision on her exercises." 

Beauf rubbed the back of his neck. "Don't worry, I'll make him read these as soon as he is finished talking with Amy." Beauf went back to reading and Jac signed off on while Beauf was saying. "She really did not . . . " 

He can sit in the hot seat for a few hours, Jac thought and left his cabin for the Command Center.

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