Scene 046

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Scene 046

"Cat said the two of you were down here," said Amy as she stepped out of the lift into engineering.

Kronk and Abney looked up from where they were working on the engine. Kronk raised an eyebrow at Amy. "Where else would we be?" asked Kronk.

"Since you weren't allowed to leave the ship, I thought it was only fair that we brought you back something from the market," said Amy.

Kronk crossed his arms and Abney turned to give Amy her full attention. Both had a hesitant look upon their faces.

"It's not much but Jac did give me some pointers on what you might like," Amy said with a small smile.

A look of doubt filled Kronk's and Abney's faces at the same time. "If Jac offered advice, we could end up with anything," Kronk said with an exaggerated grimace.

Abney gave a shutter.

Everyone broke out in laughter. "If you don't like them, you need not accept them. All right? I think you'll like them though," said Amy with a big smile and she handed Abney the bolt of black cloth.

The laughter faded from Abney's face as she examined the material. "Jac said you liked Bright colors, but I thought this pattern would go great with your coloring. If you don't like it, we can get you something else," said Amy.

"I love it," said Abney sincerely, looking Amy squarely in the face. "I never figured I'd own anything so finely made." Abney stroked the black material, then flipping it open so she could see the silver and gold pattern better. "Oh, it's beautiful," she whispered.

"I'm happy you like it," Amy said, then turning toward Kronk. "Now, yours isn't as beautiful as Abney's, but I hope you like it. Again Jac gave me advice. He said you liked all types of mechanical devices. Well, I thought instead of buying a gizmo why not buy a tool to fix the gizmo?"

Kronk had a skeptical look on his face. There were a lot of different types of tools, he hoped Amy had picked something he could use. He watched as Amy searched through her pockets.

"Here it is," Amy said. She pulled the Sonic Driver out of a pocket and handing it to Kronk. "I don't know anything about tools, but the vendor said every Engineer needs one of these. I just looked for what I thought looked like good workman ship."

"How did you know I needed one of these? My old one, I've had it since technical school, broke before we left to get you," said Kronk, giving the Sonic Driver a good once over. "This is a top of the line model! Wait a minute. How did you talk with the vendor?"

"He actually spoke Valdiarian. My translator was able to understand him," Amy explained. She wasn't about to tell Kronk, the vendor had been thinking the whole time that he needed to unload the drivers quickly.

"I really appreciate this. The vendor was right. An engineer without his sonic driver is like a space pilot without his starship," said Kronk.

Amy yawned. "Excuse me; Santi forgot to call in my gravity requirements to the station. So I'm a little worn out. I believe, I'll go and take a nap."

"Enjoy your sleep," Abney called still running her fingers over the material.

"Leymains' gravity is very strong, enjoy your sleep." Kronk said, turning on and off the driver like a little boy with a new toy.

"I need to drop off Turk's statue. Then I'm headed for my cabin," said Amy. "Bye." She called with a wave as the lift's doors closed.

"That was very generous of her, wasn't it, Kronk?" asked Abney, draping the cloth across her shoulder.

"Hum, very," Kronk said, adjusting the driver. "I've an ideal. Why don't we take a fifteen minute break? You can run your material to your room, while I calibrate my driver."

Abney laughed, gave Kronk a kiss, and headed for the lift. Kronk looked after Abney for a few minutes, shrugged, and went back to the driver.

Golden Light, Silver LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora