Scene 047

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Scene 047

Approaching Turk's cabin, Amy called to Cat, "Is Turk in his cabin?" I hope he's not, she thought.

"No, he is at his station on the Command Center," replied Cat.

"Good; could you open his door so I can leave him this statue?" asked Amy.

The door opened. "Thanks," said Amy. She spotted a table by the door. "Here's a good place to put this." Amy turned to leave. "Oh, could you leave a video message for Turk from me?"

"Yes, go ahead," said Cat.

"Turk this is a small token from me. I felt terrible about you having to stay on the ship. Jac said you liked statues. If you don't like it, you need not accept it. I'm sorry I didn't catch you here in person." Amy smiled into the recording area, then watched the playback. "Thanks, Cat," she said as she left the room.

"No problem," said Cat.

"If anyone needs me, I'll be in my cabin asleep," Amy said, walking to her cabin.

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