Parker Stevens; Chapter Ten

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“Don’t give me that innocent shit, Grace.  I expect you to tell me why the hell you did it.” He stated formally. I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Uh, you ‘expect me’ to tell you? What the hell is your problem? I am pretty damn sure you know why I did it. And I don’t even know why I didn’t admit it, because I am hella-proud of what I did, you moronic, pretentious, douche-bag. No wonder you and Parker are family. You two are exactly the same.” I spat at him. He stood in the same position, not faltering when I used the harshest words I could think of. He probably didn’t even know what they meant.

“Grace, I’m not on his side, and I don’t really know what you just called me, but I am here to warn you. Parker isn’t going to go easy on you because you’re a girl. I just hope you know what you got yourself into.”  He said in a warning tone. I felt my eyebrows rise even higher.

“Uh, even after what I did to you, you’re not picking sides. And Parker is your family after all. But if I was in your position, I would stay Switzerland for sure,” I said with a smirk at the end. “Because this is not going to be a small playground scuffle. Parker is playing with fire now. Tell him to watch his cocky little ass.”

He let go of my arm because of my finalizing tone, and I walked away with a slight sway of my hips. I glanced around and noted a lot of people had been listening to our conversation because a lot of heads turned away from me as I looked down the hall. I scoffed to myself. At least have some pride and admit you were eavesdropping.

Turning the corner and heading to my locker, I was not surprised in the slightest to see murderous brown eyes with huge black bags underneath them ready to fight me.

“Good morning Parker! To what do I owe this pleasure?” I exclaimed happily. This only seemed to piss him off more.

“I hope you know what you did-” He started in a threatening tone. Impulsively, I slapped a hand over his mouth.

“Jeez, do you ever shut up? Anyways, you should stop coming here and complaining about what I did to you because you obviously have something planned to do to me and you don’t see me complaining to you. So, if you’re going to give me some shit about your life being ruined, think about what you’ve done to me.” I plastered a fake smiled on my face at the end of my speech before whipping my hand off his mouth and wiping it on his shirt.

“You’re going to regret this Grace.” He growled. I spun my locker combination but looked over at him, stopping mid-turn.

“So will you Parker.” I said with one eyebrow raised.

“I guess I’ll just have to finish what I’ve started.” He said through clenched teeth.

“I’m pretty sure you’ve never fought against a girl before, Parker, because any other man would be worried. You must be crazy to go against an enraged woman who hates your guts.” I half-laughed.

“Alright Grace, you won the last round. But if I were you, I would give up right now.” HE said with a malicious smirk. I snorted.

“Yeah, like that’s going to happen. You’ve already seen that humiliating me hasn’t worked so far. What else is there to do? People are already on my side, so I wouldn’t want to let them down, would I?” I blinked up at him with innocent eyes. I seemed to be playing up this whole innocent act.

“You asked for it, Grace. Don’t forget, I gave you the chance to back down. That was your last one. I’ll see you around.” He said blankly before pushing past me and down the hall. I let out the breath I had been holding ever since that last little spiel that I pulled.

What the hell was I thinking?! I was crazy! Who was this monster I’d turned into?

“Grace!” I heard a voice call my name. A hand waved in front of my face and I blinked.

Parker Stevens, I Can Hold a GrudgeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ