RR7 Simply Existing

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To see a child suffer like this is horrible but it only made Ivan happy. He would have his very own super assassin to toy with. He couldn't keep the smile off of his face as the little girl before him convulsed and broke her body in order to escape the pain. The smile was soon wiped off of his face when she broke through her restraints and jumped off of the table. No one should have been able to break those bonds. She was indeed changing.

Natalia was on fire. She pulled as hard as she could at the restraints, ignoring the pain in her wrist, and finally broke free. She jumped off of the table and ran to the corner of the room. She couldn't think straight and she felt as if she had no control over her body. It just did what it wanted. Maybe it was the serum working its way through, she didn't know. She fell against the wall and shrunk down, trying to escape the invisible flames. She pulled at her skin, scratching until she was bleeding, trying to put the pain out. All the while this was happening, Natasha, still trapped in Natalia's mind, could only silently endure this pain a second time. It was tearing her apart from the inside out and she tried her hardest to block it out, but in vain. She screamed along with Natalia, not being able to escape the pain. This by far was the worst pain she had ever felt in her life and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She remembered this moment every single time she saw fire. It brought her back to all of the pain and suffering she went through just to be used by a sick and sadistic man.

Natalia felt as if she were thrown into a volcano, reduced to ash, and then fire set to the ash until there was nothing left. To go through this twice was enough scar someone for life. She couldn't think anymore, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't even feel. She became numb to life around her. As the fire left her body, she was left shaking on the ground. She couldn't remember anything. The agony basically brainwashed her. She was another person. Natasha on the other hand was having trouble hanging on to her memories as well. The intense pain is supposed to make you forget.

Ivan and Dr. Andrei watched nervously as Natalia went through her ordeal, hoping that she would come out of it alive. After ten minutes of watching her tear at her skin, she finally stopped. Dr. Andrei ran over to her to check out her injuries and found her arms and legs bleeding profusely. He gently led her back to the table to fix her up. After he grabbed a rag to press on a gash, he found that it had already stopped bleeding. Upon a closer look, he was surprised to see that the wound was closing itself up.

"Ivan! Come and look at this! She's healing!"

Ivan ran over to look and was ecstatic to find that the serum worked. It was time to send her into the field for a test run.


"What the hell Tony! She's trapped? How can she be trapped in there if you got out!?" Clint was furious. Natasha looked so pale and miserable laying on that table. She was going through hell.

Tony yelled back at him. "I don't know! Everything was the same with the hookup...except for her crystal. Maybe that did something. The hell if I know." He was frustrated at the whole situation.

"What crystal Tony?" Bruce asked him calmly, knowing that Tony liked to put twists into his experiments without having them tested first.

"One I picked up after the Chitauri invasion. It had amazing qualities and seemed perfect for the machine."

"Man of Iron, please tell me that this is one of those Midgardian jokes. Chitauri crystals are extremely dangerous, and are banned from Asgard. They are unpredictable and if you used one, it may be too late to save her." Thor had never sounded more serious and worried.

All heads, Thor, Bruce, Clint, and Steve, turned towards Tony with concern.

Tony was now ten times more worried. He should have talked to Thor first about using alien crystals. "Ummmm yea, I used one."

Red RoomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora