Chapter 91

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I had been planning this surprise for Stefano since yesterday, well I had it in mind after I saw him so disorganized that night, it had been on my mind to do something for him, and then the breakfast happened and I just knew this was what I'd do to get his mind off everything.

So here I was standing at the old Port, waiting for the love of my life, I had left his place not too long after dropping off the clothes I wanted him to wear, and also after readying a hot bath for him, Hewitt told me Stefano had been complaining about being tired, so I thought a hot bath would help relax him for the night of his life.

I had help from Hewitt setting all these up, especially distracting Stefano for me while I prepared everything, because I know he can be very attentive, and if he sensed something was off with me, he'd keep pushing until I told him and that would ruin my surprise for him.

I was fucking nervous and happy, we'd never been on an official date before, but I don't think Stefano minded, but this was going to be more than just that, it'll be something in between a date and a mini vacation, away from everything.

I just really want to do something nice for him, and I noticed he liked the water, so no better way to help him unwind than to take him on a boat cruise.
I know he's going to love it, but I still can't help but feel a little bit scared, I don't want to crowd him or anything and I don't want him to feel like I pity him or anything.

I sighed out when I looked at my wrist watch, he wasn't running late, I just got here unusually early, and now it was nerve racking waiting for him, but knowing Stefano, he'd be here very soon.

Impressing Stefano shouldn't be that hard, but I'm still fucking nervous because I don't even know if he'll like whatever I do, the man has more than enough money, he has basically everything he ever wanted, so I can't use material stuff to impress him, so I'm just winging it.

He had stopped acting down after that night, and it has been a relief for me because I don't know what I'd do if he slips back into the way he was that night.
Yesterday, I got to know from Hewitt that someone from his past had showed up that night just outside his apartment building, his best friend, the same one that betrayed Stefano, that outed him to his father before that thing was done to him.

I was so angry when I found out that was why he was like that that night, and I was planning on paying him a visit, thanks to Hewitt, I know where he lives, but before I do that, I have to make sure Stefano is completely out of it and fine, then I'm going to warn that bastard to stay away from my man

I smiled to myself at how I just referred to Stefano, my man
I like how that sounds and how it makes me feel.
I heard footsteps that made me look up and there he stood, mouth watering and heart stopping, fucking handsome with the clothes I had picked for him.

He had a sweet smile on his face, as he made his way towards me, walking away from his car, I walked towards him before I placed my hand around his neck, pulling him down as I kissed his lips.

He wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me flushed against his beautiful toned frame
"Hey babe" I whispered when he finally pulled away, he smiled at me

"Hey stranger" he rasped out as he stared down at me, fuck he's so handsome, that I just want to ravish his body right now, but I have to hold my horses.
He looked at me, eyeing me as he smiled mischievously
"I love your outfit" he teased, knowing we were putting on exactly the same thing, causing my face to heat up
"Matching outfits huh, you're so cheesy" he said and I just bit my lips and shrugged

"What can I say, I love to stake my claim on you" I teased him back as I trailed my fingers down his shoulder, causing him to cock his brows at me

"Is that so"? He asked and I just shrugged, the clothes fit him perfectly well that I was beginning to think I do have good taste in fashion

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