Chapter 39

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Apparently Matteo and I had made our way to Spade's warehouse, with him still not talking to me, naturally I should be bothered, which I am but there was something else on my mind that was making me less bothered about Matteo being a complete sass to me.

I think we were waiting for Spade, either way he was still not talking to me, making the whole office, which I already guessed belong to Spade, completely quiet.

I could still tell Matteo was deep in thoughts as he sat across from me on the couch, his face looked expressionless but I could still read him and know that a lot was bothering him, I wanted to ask him about it, but I lost the nerve the moment Luke called me, he took away the small courage I had mustered up to talk to Matteo.

I still can't decipher why Luke had called me, but I had felt my phone vibrating countless times in my pocket, I didn't have to check to know it was Luke calling, and I was in no mood to talk to him, infact I don't think I'll ever be in the mood to talk to him

What would you say to an ex best friend that betrayed your trust and made you go through hell?
I know most people would say he wasn't really a culprit but to me he was the biggest culprit in the whole thing, and if I hadn't heard his conversation with my father that night, I don't think I would ever have known what he did.

I was lost in thought when I heard the door open, causing me to spring up from my seat, Matteo doing the same as Spade and that Greg's son walked in, and from the way both of them looked, I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me before I knew there was something romantic going on between them.

I never knew Spade was gay, or that he swinged that way, not that it was any of my business, but it kind of gave me a little leap of hope, that Matteo might not completely hate me because of that, and that he's not homophobic.

Nate, I think that's his name, his eyes found mine and he looked fucking clueless, not that I was judging his choice or anything, but he wasn't the kind of people Spade hung around, so it kind of surprised me seeing the way Spade's hand were wrapped around his securely, he looked away from me and back at Matteo, I moved my eyes from him and on to Spade as I smiled widely at him, instead he ignored me and walked over to Matteo.

He stopped in front of Matteo and I could see the way Matteo's shoulders grew tense and his eyes went hard as he stared at Spade, which was kind of surprising, I'd never seen Matteo look at Spade with such eyes, he was always so calm around Spade, so seeing him so tense made me narrow my eyes at him.

Spade looked at me, clenching his jaw, what did I do? He just looked back at Matteo "What is it Matteo"? He asked in a gruff voice

Matteo sighed out "I was going through some things on my laptop when I stumbled upon an interface from an outside source" he started, his eyes looking anywhere but Spade, he didn't seem relaxed talking to Spade "someone sent me an encoded message" he added quickly before he placed his laptop on the table, we all circled around him, even though I had seen the message, I still wanted to be close to Matteo, I was standing to his left, while Spade was by his right, and Nate by Spade's right, still clutching his hand tightly.

"At first I didn't know what it was until I started trying to hack it, and delete it, then I realized it was a message" he showed us all the computer screen, by the looks on Spade and Nate's face, I knew they didn't understand what they were looking at, but I did, and only now did I realize that while I was busy getting a meltdown because of Luke, Matteo was trying to hack through the message.

The whole room was silent and I knew Spade still didn't know what Matteo was showing him, so I decided to ease the tension in the room "you know this looks like gibberish to us right"? I asked, knowing fully well that it didn't look like gibberish to me, but still, he needed to explain to Spade and Nate.

His Tesoro (MxM)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ