Chapter 77

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I searched through the closet trying to find something for Matteo to put on, after our little moment on the window terrace, we both hadn't said anything to each other, he was laying on the bed with his hands draped under his head to support it.

I didn't know what he was thinking, but from his facial expressions when I had asked us to come back in and sleep, after almost kissing him, I knew he wasn't exactly happy about that.

I sighed out as I finally came across a blue shirt that I had almost forgotten I had, I bought it a while back and had only worn it twice when I came here, I had already spotted a short black pants that I immediately pulled along with it and turned around to face Matteo.

I threw the clothes on the bed as I walked towards him, I kicked his shin and he groaned
"Get up and put those on" I told him and he lazily got up and looked at the clothes, he picked them up and examined them before he looked at me

"I have to shower first" he told me and I just nodded

"The bathroom's that way" I said pointing to the bathroom and he just gave me a pointed look

"No shit Sherlock" I just smiled and rolled my eyes at him, he got up from the bed and started taking off his clothes, he pulled his shirt over his head swiftly, leaving his chest completely naked.

My throat ran dry at the beautiful sight in front of me, his milky honey skin, the way his biceps flexed when he moved his hands, I couldn't help but let my eyes settle on his pink nipples, those were the only things my eyes could see right now.

Contrary to the rest of his beautiful shiny skin, his nipples were pink and outstanding, I swallowed hard when I imagined what they would feel like if I decided to touch them, and they looked hard, causing me to frown as I looked up at Matteo who had stopped what he was doing.

He was now staring at me with a smirk.
"You know, if you wanna see me naked, all you have to do is ask" he teased and I rolled my eyes at him

"Go take your shower Matteo" I deadpanned before I looked away from him and made my way back to the closet, I still needed to pick out what I would wear to bed, and plus I wanted to distract myself from the fact that Matteo, as a little tease, is stripping completely naked behind me, I don't want to entertain whatever ideas he has in his head.

"Don't you wanna come with me"? He asked and I just groaned out frustratedly "you know to save water" he added cheekily

"I swear to God Teo, if you don't get your naked ass out of my bedroom, I'm going to kick you out" I threatened and he just started laughing

"Relax Stef, you're so aggressive sometimes it turns me on" he stated causing me to swallow hard, before I pushed my head into the closet in a quest to shut Matteo out and to get myself something suitable to wear.

I heard his footfall and the bathroom door open, indicating he had gone inside the bathroom, I picked out a white basketball shorts and black roundneck, that should do for tonight.

I pulled my body back and closed the door to the closet, I made my way to the bed, Matteo's clothes were scattered on it, I picked them all up and folded them neatly, God I feel like a house wife, I smiled and shook my head before I made my way back to the closet and dropped the clothes there.

I started taking off my clothes too, pulling my shirt over my head, putting it inside the closet, I walked back to bed and I could see the small light peeking from through the bathroom, but the shower had stopped running.

Matteo stepped out soaking wet, his hair damp and a few drops of water falling on his face, my eyes betrayed me and moved down slowly until they landed on his toned and defined torso, and I felt my throat run dry, there were droplets of water that adorned his chest and pec, and I licked my lips on instinct, before my eyes moved down to the towel that was hanging loose on his waist, I felt like if he moved too much, it will definitely fall off.

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