Chapter 7

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I walked with haste towards the alleyway around the corner, the same one I had wanted to go and clear my head, and just as I was about to corner around the alley I saw the bar door open and Matteo stepped out of the bar.

I was right after all, he was the one tailing me, and it took me this long to even notice it, he had been following me all day and I just realized it now, some how I felt jittery and excited at the thought that the man I'd been trying to start a conversation with, had actually been tailing me all day.

I wanted to smile as I quickly hid in the shadows, I could already hear his footsteps as he came closer to the alleyway, I could see him but where I stood, he couldn't see me, thank God this place had such a good hiding place.

I could see the skepticism in his posture, the doubt and how alert he was, he kept looking back and side, as if waiting for someone to jump him.

I didn't even know why I was hiding, but if Matteo was actually tailing me because of the meeting I had with that young man at Spade's club, then if he actually caught up with me in a quiet place, it wouldn't be all talks and negotiation, things would definitely get bloody and rough and I didn't want our first encounter to be that, but what exactly was I going to do at this point.

I couldn't just continue playing dumb and letting him tail me like this, I saw him pass me by in the shadows, completely missing me, his hair looked very shiny in the street lights that managed to illuminate his form.

I swallowed, suddenly feeling my throat dry up, he reached for his gun, looking around, when a piece of paper bag flew by past him, I could see him slightly visibly relax but that was just for a second before he had his guard back up.

I was in a literal conflict with myself, this was not how I planned my meeting with Matteo to be like, I didn't think he'd stalk me, or even follow me to this point, but here we are and I didn't know what to do

Actually I knew what to do, but I didn't think I wanted to do it, there was only one thing I could do, and if I did that then I'd be dooming myself with him, I'd never get a chance with Matteo ever again, but that was the only way.

I looked to the side and spotted a plank just laying down there, God I felt like the universe was literally laughing at my predicament, I crouched down and picked it up, examining the brown almost soaked body, this'll have to do for now, at least it wouldn't cause any permanent damage to him, and he'll probably forgive me after.

I sighed out, shutting my eyes before I stealthily walked out of the shadows, he still had his back to me, hopefully he didn't hear me move, I moved closer to him, and I saw his shoulders grow stiff as he tensed up, causing me to stop in my tracks.

He turned around, still clutching his hands tight around his gun, but before he could react to anything, I raised my hand up and used the plank to hit his head, causing his head to whip to the side as he fell to the ground with a heavy thud, I heard him groan as I winced, shutting my eyes momentarily.

I didn't mean to hit him that hard, I think I may have caused some damage, because he was still lying on the ground, almost as if he was still in pain.

Of course he was still in pain you dumb fuck, you literally just hit his head with a plank.
My subconscious rolled his eyes at me.

I threw the plank away and crouched down so I was eye level with him, his eyes were shut tight, but I think he was trying to open it, but was failing miserably.
After a second of watching him and feeling my palms sweaty, he finally stopped moving, causing me to freeze.

In all my life, I've never been scared of taking a life, but standing over him like this, I suddenly felt my heart beat pick up fast and hard.
Please don't be dead
I may have just killed the only man I've ever liked.

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