Chapter 62

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Today was finally the day, and trust me I'm not half as excited or nervous as I thought I'd be if the day finally came.

Nate was sitting on the couch with Su, while I was on one of the beanbags facing both of them, Su had no idea why Nate wanted us to sit and talk, but I do, we'd been planning it since the day Nate woke up from coma, and then we agreed to do it after he gets back home, and it's been a week since he got back.

Spade had gone out, probably to give us privacy, which I already told him wasn't necessary but he still didn't listen

"What did you want to discuss with me Nate" Su asked and he looked at me before his gaze landed back on her, I know he was nervous about all this, but Su was more his sister than mine, so the floor was all his.

Personally I didn't think I was needed here much, but Spade had convinced me to be here, I had other things on my mind that were bothering, this was probably at the very bottom of my list of problems

The highest being Stefano, I still hadn't heard from Hewitt since the last time we spoke which was pushing three weeks now, I don't know if he talked to Stefano, or if he just said he would to get me off his back.

"Su" Nate paused and looked at me again "you know how much of a douche bag our father was before he died" he muttered and his sister just nodded before she looked at me, obviously confused
"Well, he's the reason why I called you here today"

"Okay.... Please don't tell me he was owing a drug Lord some money and they want me as leverage to settle his debt" she rushed out causing me to frown

"No, no, of course not, jeez, it's not that" Nate explained and she visibly relaxed and let out a sigh of relief

"Okay, that's a relief, what is it then"? She asked and Nate looked at me again, as if asking me for the go ahead to tell her, I wasn't even 100% concentrating on the conversation, he should just tell her and get it over with.

"Greg...." I cut him off because I don't like how much of a big deal he was making it, and I didn't really want to be here right now, not that I had anything to do but I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts, like I have been for the past two weeks

"I'm your half brother" I blurted out and Su turned to look at me frowning, Nate looked at me too, giving me a pointed look almost as he didn't expect me to just lay it out there.

Su on the other hand just turned to look at Nate again who sighed out and looked at her "he is our half brother" he muttered, and for a good minute that I sat watching her, she didn't show any emotions, she just looked lost in thoughts, I was beginning to think she didn't hear us and had gone catatonic

"Wait..." She chuckled shaking her head "Matteo is our half brother"? She asked again and Nate just nodded his head, she turned to look at me and I couldn't even be bothered about she was thinking at the moment.

Don't get me wrong, it's not as if I don't want them as siblings, it's just that I'm kind of having a personal crisis of my own, and it was what was currently on my mind all the time.

"How is that even possible? Who's his mother? Wait, is Spade our brother too"? She rushed out and Nate just put his hand on her thighs, stopping her rambling

"Slow down Su" he said with a light chuckle before he looked at me, I think he wanted me to give him a reassuring smile or show some sort of reaction, but I just stared blankly at him, lately I've found it really hard to react to things, I just watch and listen.
"To answer your first question, well, our father...." He paused as he looked at me again, I know what he was about to tell her, and honestly if it was just when I found out what Greg had done to my mother, I would have freaked out or something, but right now, I don't even care.
"He uhm... He did something years ago that not only broke a family, but resulted in a child being born" he muttered out "Matteo was that child, and our father kept it hidden for years, until Matteo found a letter and Spade had to explain everything to us"

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