Chapter 23

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"I'll meet you there tomorrow Bernie, for now I need to be somewhere else" I explained to Bernie as I bypassed him and headed for the door, he just nodded in understanding before I pulled open the door and stepped out of the warehouse.

The sun was fucking hot, and I felt it deep inside my skin, I was supposed to go check on the girls for the auction today, but I don't think I'm up for it, the auction was just a few days away, and they'd leave by tomorrow evening or by next tomorrow morning, but either way, I had to do a final assessment of them before they leave.

Time was moving too fast for my liking, now I had to leave for italy in less than four days, the auction was on Saturday night and today was Tuesday already.
I always dreaded this time of the year, going back to italy, I hated it so much, it made me remember a lot of things I didn't like remembering, but I know it was all behind me and I had to do this.

I looked up, shuffling my pockets for my key "oh come on" I mutttered underneath my breath, why was the universe against me?
Relaxing his back on my car was none other than the Dutch himself, note the sarcasm.
Stefano freaking Van Horne, and he was smiling again.

My eyes moved from his legs, he was putting on black slacks and black buttoned up shirt, folding his arms on his chest, he wasn't really muscular but I could still managed to see his biceps flex themselves, if he wasn't so annoying, I probably would have complimented how good his body looked, just his body, nothing more.

"I'm beginning to think you're a leach and I'm going to need to exterminate you to get rid of you" I muttered out, I was a little bit frustrated, infact more frustrated than I was irritated.

After the last time he dragged me to that casino where his buffy friend almost engaged in a physical with me, I thought he'd have learnt his lessons and leave me the fuck alone, but now, here he was again, with that stupid smile.

"If I was a leach Teo, trust me I'd be on your body 24/7" he whispered and I rolled my eyes at him, talk about stupid and cheeky

"What do you want Stefano"? I asked standing in front of him.

"Well I came to pick you up, no, no actually I came to hitch a ride with you to my warehouse" he rushed out, I frowned as I tried to make sense of the shit he was saying.

"What's that supposed to mean? What makes you think I want to give you a lift to your stupid warehouse"? I asked trying to sound as calm as I could be, but with Stefano, that's almost impossible to do, because he's always one second away from having my fists on his face.

"I'm pretty sure we had a deal, and it involves you going everywhere I go" he mused, almost as if he was rubbing it on my face, I groaned lowly, hating how entitled he sounded.

"You're delusional if you think I'm going to be following everywhere you go" I snapped and he just smiled, clicking his tongue

"Not everywhere Teo, just some places, places I need you to be"

I scoffed, seems like he never learns, even though I got his friend pissed off the last time and I'm pretty sure I made him look stupid, he still wants me to tag along with him.
"I'm not coming with you Stefano" I muttered out to him, and I meant it, I wouldn't spend the rest of my day following Stefano like a lost puppy, he can go fuck himself for all I care.

He stepped closer to me, clouding my thoughts, with his close proximity, I shut my eyes and clenched my jaw, at least if I'm not looking at him, it'll be easy to resist the urge to bash his face into the side of my car
"I'm not asking Teo" he whispered out, this caused my eyes to snap open as I looked up at him, his stare on me was intense, curse me for looking into those dark eyes, they looked too deep and almost drowning.

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