Chapter 13

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16 years ago

I had been staring at him for the past hour now like a creep, he looked so young and kind of alone, which was one of the reason I'd been noticing him more often, he just transferred here, so he was kind of the new kid nobody knew.

His thick blonde hair, glistening under the sun, while he just sat there, his eyes staring intently at each player on the field, I wonder if I was part of the team, if he'd look at me like that, with those deep, sea blue, consuming eyes.

I'd seen him up close, so I knew the color of his eyes, actually I may have memorized it, and now it was embedded in my mind.
He looked way younger than me, I could tell because of his small frame, probably no older than 10 or 11, while I was already 14 going on 15, but there was something about him that made me completely forget about the fact that he might be four years younger than me.

I don't know if it were his eyes, or his lips, or the way he observed things, he didn't have any friends, so he was always alone, even during lunch breaks, I know because I was always watching, and I don't mean to sound creepy but he was just.... I don't know how to describe him, beautiful I guess is the word.

Countless times I'd wanted to go talk to him, start up a conversation, but I always chickened out last minute, one, because I had no idea how to start a conversation with someone, especially someone younger than me in age, two I was always with my best friend, and I don't think he'd appreciate me going to talk to a junior with him around.

Even right now, Luke was sitting right beside me, and I was beginning to wonder how he hadn't noticed that my mind was not on the game, but on the blonde boy just sitting a few chairs away from us.

Even though he was always alone, there was something about him that never seemed to make him look nervous or scared, kind of like he was used to being alone, unlike most kids his age.

If only I knew his name, or even where he lived, what I would do with that information, I had no idea, but I just wanted to know, maybe I could drop by something.

Okay now I really sounded like a creep, I sighed out dreamily as I watched him, I think that caused Luke to notice my complete divided attention from the game, cause he nudged me and when I looked at him, he had his brows quirped up quizzically, I just sighed out and shook my head.

"What"? I asked, and he looked at me pointedly

"You weren't paying attention to the game dude" he stated, causing my eyes to momentarily look at the field "what are you even looking at" he added peering through my shoulder, his eyes resting on the kid, who still had his complete focus on the game, was it that interesting to him?
"Oh it's the weird Blondie" he muttered out, causing me to look at him, my brows raised in question.

He just looked at me and shrugged "why do you call him weird"? I asked him, my eyes resting on the kid again.

"He's pretty weird, the kid has no friends, he's always alone, like some freak" he muttered out, causing me to frown, he wasn't a freak, I didn't protest tho.

"He probably has no friends because he's new to this school" I defended, and Luke just cocked his brows at me before he looked away and back at the field, causing me to look at the blonde kid again, he still sat there

"I think he's gay, that's why he's always alone and acting weird" I heard Luke whisper in my ear, causing me to whip my head towards his direction, looking at him, he just shrugged

"So you think he's weird because he's gay"? I asked, almost as if it was the most ridiculous thing Luke could have said at this moment

"I don't know, why do you think he's always alone"? He asked

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